Itachi's Training

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The next day finally arrived and Akihito was excited for the training with the Itachi Uchiha, the prodigy of Konoha.

Akihito was currently in his own personal Training Ground reserved only for Royalty. While he was waiting he took the time to re-read some information regarding Itachi Uchiha.

"Okay let's see. Itachi Uchiha is a prodigy from the prestigious Uchiha Clan. One of the youngest to graduate from the Academy, he joined the ANBU when he was 10 and became an ANBU captain at the age of 13. He has his own summoning animal which are the Crows. He is well versed in ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu, kenjutsu, and fuinjutsu. As a member of the Uchiha Clan his chakra nature is Fire, so he has great Fire abilities. His personal techniques include the Clone Explosion Jutsu and the Crow Clone Techniques. 

Akihito continued reading the information regarding Itachi. After a few hours of reading his book Itachi finally arrived with Attendant Jang whom was leading Itachi to the Personal Training Ground.

"Your Highness, Itachi Uchiha is here" 

Akihito looked up from his book and smiled, "Welcome Itachi sensei, your finally here. I do hope we get along well. As your my sensei please just call me Akihito."

Itachi looked emotionlessly at Akihito, "Thank you, Akihito. But I do believe we should get started now. But I hope you don't mind I brought a friend".

Itachi gestured at the person behind him, "Allow me introduce myself, I am Shisui Uchiha. I will be also helping you with your sharingan training."

With another famous Uchiha training him, Akihito was just so excited.

"Before we begin. You need to be introduced to the Sharingan."

Akihito looked confused, "But I already know what it is". Itachi looked sceptical, "Than what is the Sharingan?". "The Sharingan is one of the legendary dojutsu, there are only 3 known dojutsu in the world. There is the Rinnegan, said to have been only wielded by the Sage of the Six Paths, than there is the Sharingan, wielded in only by members of the Uchiha Clan. Finally, there is the Byakugan, wielded only by members of the Hyuga Clan, where Hinata-hime is from". Itachi nodded, "Acceptable, but that is the perspective of others. To us, the Uchiha, the Sharingan is our pride. We pride ourselves with the knowledge that we wield not only the Sharingan but that we are also descendants of the Sage of the Six Paths. When you wield the Sharingan you are able to predict the moves of your opponent and also copy there jutsu's. That is what the sharingan means to us Uchiha."

Akihito nodded, "Than is there is there any other thing I should know. "Yes, you should also know that the sharingan has other stages. In time you might be able to achieve the Mangekyo Sharingan". Akihito literally had star in his eyes after hearing this. 

"Oh well, enough of this chit chat. It's training time" said Shisui. "Show us what you got kiddo".

Akihito took his stances and looked towards Shisui and Itachi. 

"Shadow Clone Jutsu"

Several Akihito's appeared and they were divided into 5 groups with 10 clones. 

"First battalion attack"

The First Battalion of Akihito's attacked Shisui and Itachi. The Clones threw them powerful Water Jutsu's which Itachi extinguished with a Fire Jutsu. This caused a very strong mist to cover the training ground. Shisui and Itachi had there guards up, looking towards every direction for the slightest sign of movement. After what felt like forever, twenty Akihito's jumped at them with 3 shurikens on each hand. The Clones threw the shurikens straight at them.

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