The Escort (Part 2)

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Hi guys, sorry I haven't been updating in a long time but kinda busy, today was our virtual egg hunt day. So here is the chapter you have all been waiting for.

Konoha was very peaceful and serene. Kids were playing and the adults were doing there normal routine. The birds were chirping and the weather was warm. In the Hokage Tower, the hokage was enjoying his Icha Icha Book when a shinobi informed him of the arrival of a messenger from the capital, Kyoto.

(So guys, in the anime and manga the fire capital wasn't mentioned so I am going to name it after the old capital of Japan, Kyoto.)

The Hokage grumbled about being interrupted when he was reading his "precious''. The Hokage ordered the shinobi to let the messenger inside.

"So what brings you here to the Village" asked the Hokage.

"Lord Hokage, I have been ordered to inform you of the arrival of the Crown Prince to Konoha in a weeks time. The Fire Daimyo has ordered you to send your bestest shinobi to help escort the Crown Prince here" said the Messenger.

"Did the Fire Daimyo say why he is coming to Konoha" the Hokage asked again.

"The Crown Prince is coming here to complete his shinobi training and to meet his bride, Lady Hinata." said the messenger.

The Hokage nodded, understanding the reason why the Crown Prince was coming. He told the messenger that he can leave, he then called for his Anbu Agent, Possum to gather the council.

Council Room

The Council Room was silent as the Shinobi Council and the Elders waited patiently for the Hokage's arrival. A few minutes later, the Hokage had finally arrived with a grim expression. The Council has started to worry to what has cause the Hokage such distress.

"Lord Hokage is something wrong? Why have you summoned us? asked a clan head.

The Hokage took a huff of his smoking pipe and looked at everyone in the Council Room one-by-one. The Council Members felt intimidated, whether by the way the Hokage is looking at them or the way the mood is starting to change.

"I have summoned you all here for something important." the Hokage said mysteriously.

The Council Members looked at each other with one of there eyebrows raised until a brave member asked the Hokage: W...hat is it, L....ord Ho...o..kage" the council member stuttered.

"Today, I just got word that the Fire Daimyo's aunt, Lady Takiharu, is coming here with her cat. But the only problem is, she isn't coming with only Tora, I have been informed that she has adopted 5 more cats just like Tora." the Hokage said grimly.

The Council Members all had a horrified expressions, suddenly all hell broke loose as every member started to say that they should stop the Lady Takiharu from coming here or just get rid of the demon cats and blame it on an accident. Everyone was arguing when they stopped as they heard the Hokage laughed.

"Lord Hokage, what is wrong. Is there something funny?" asked The Aburame Clan Head, Shibi. The Hokage calmed down and wiped a tear from his eye.

"Don't tell me you all fell for that, lame joke." the Hokage said after he finished laughing.

The Council nodded their heads in unison, then when they knew what was going on. They all looked at the Hokage with an annoyed looked. The Hokage chuckled a bit before he went into full business mode.

"A messenger from the Fire Capital has arrived" the Hokage said. Everyone was surprised since the Fire Daimyo doesn't usually plan official visits or checkup during this time of the year, beside's it a been a long time since the Fire Daimyo came to Konoha. So they waited for the Hokage to answer there thoughts.

"The Crown Prince is coming here to complete his shinobi training." To this the Council was also surprised since its gonna be the first time in Konoha History for a Royal to come to Konoha to train, especially in the shinobi way. I mean, Royals do know how to fight, but they are trained in the samurai way not the shinobi way. So its surprising to hear a Royal learning about ninjutsu and taijutsu. 

"I want all of you to prepare and make sure the Crown Prince's arrival is spectacular. I want everything to be clean and beautiful from the bottom up. Also, Hiashi the Crown Prince is also here to visit his bride. Make sure she is ready. 

To say everyone was upset about the many work, they wouldn't complain because they at least get to see the mysterious Crown Prince. There was many rumor surrounding the Crown Prince, some people say that he is gay because when his bodyguard died he never spared a glance at a girl or even touch a girl. Some people also say that he is a demon in human form who tricked the Fire Daimyo into believing that he is his long-lost grandson. But that will be proven when he arrives.

"We also have another issue. Who will be send to help escort the Crown Prince" The concerned Hokage said.

Everyone started to think on who to send when Shikaku Nara said," Why not send Kakashi Hatake and 5 of our best Anbu Black Op Agents". Everyone agreed when Fugaku Uchiha also added, " I request you also send my eldest son, Itachi Uchiha, to help with the escort". Everyone also agreed on what Fugaku said. So it was settled the Escort Unit has been found, the re-decoration of Konoha is in session, but now to inform the Academy on the new student.

Konoha Academy

Out on the Academy courtyard, children are seen practicing shuriken/kunai throwing, practicing their jutsu's, and learning about the other shinobi nations. When the civilian council was disbanded the Academy was reformed. The usual training sessions of only training for 2 hours was changed to hard and vigorous training for 5 hours. The once lazy academy students were changed into smart but not overly talented young shinobi, but they were still learning.

A messenger shinobi informs all the teachers about the Crown Prince arrival and then left. The teachers immediately gathered all the students and made an announcement.

"Students of Konoha Academy, listen up. In a week, we are going to have a special student who is coming from the capital city of the Land of Fire, Kyoto. We are going to welcome him in open arms and not make fun him or bully him, understand you little brats. Now that is all, go back to your training."

The students resumed there training while they whispered to each other. They were curious on who from the capital is coming when its almost graduation day. 

" So, who do you think is coming from the capital Shikamaru" asked Choji while munching on his chips.

"I don't know, but its troublesome" said the bored Nara while looking at the Clouds.

Everyone was training when the bell rang they quickly left. The students all left with one thought on there minds, "Who is the mysterious visitor".

Hokage Tower

The Hokage was waiting for the arrival of his chosen escorts, well one of the escorts that is. Kakashi Hatake the Copy Cat Ninja is always late, this one is also an exception. After 2 hours of waiting, Kakashi finally arrived and when asked why he was late he told us that he was helping out an old lady with groceries and after that a black cat crossed his path so he had to take the long way around. 

The Hokage quickly dismissed his excuse and went straight to business, "Kakashi I have made you the leader of the Escort Team, you and your team are to go to Kyoto and help escort the Crown Prince to Konoha. Got it." Kakashi understood the situation at hand and nodded. 

The Hokage quickly dismissed and ordered them to leave first thing in the morning. 

Okay guys this it, but if you guys don't remember Tora, its Fire Daimyo's wifes cat that always escapes and is always hard to catch. That is the reason why the ninja hate the cat. Hope you loved the chapter. Thanks

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