Kakashi's Test: A Tale of Teamwork

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As the sun shines greatly on the horizon and as birds chirp lovingly in the air. A young man with bright blond hair and with a mask that's similar to that of the "Copy Cat Ninja" runs quickly to Training Ground 7 with a lunchbox in hand. When he arrives his teammates were already there waiting for him.

"Hey guys, I hope I am not late" asked a very exhausted Akihito. 

Sakura and Sasuke just looked at him and shook there heads.

"Actually, you are not late Akihito. Its our SENSEI that's late" said a really pissed of Sakura. 

Akihito wasn't surprised when Sakura said that Kakashi was late "again". He was really thinking of hunting down the perverted idiot that wrote the damn books to make sure that arrives on time.

"Anyway, I brought some breakfast for all of us if you guys haven't had breakfast" 

Sakura and Sasuke looked at Akihito as if he was stupid or something.

"Akihito didn't you hear what Kakashi-sensei said yesterday. We can't eat or else we'll vomit" said Sakura.

"That's where your wrong Sakura" 

Sakura was surprised when Akihito said that she was wrong, in her entire life no one has said that she was wrong.

"Kakashi-sensei suggested we don't eat or else we'll vomit. But think hard on this, how do we get chakra". 

Sakura realized her mistake and looked down. She hasn't eaten yet and food helps make chakra in order for shinobi to fight. 

"But don't worry, I brought each of us breakfast and I haven't eaten yet" 

Sakura looked thankful while Sasuke was still brooding. 

"Thank you Akihito" 

Akihito looked at Sasuke who was looking at his egg sandwich with hungry eyes. "Hey broody want some". Sasuke just looked at him but then nodded. They all sat down and ate there breakfast which consisted of steamed rice, miso soup, fermented soy beans, pickled vegetables, and seasoned dried seaweed. 

After they finished breakfast they did some little warm up in order to wait for Kakashi's arrival. 

(2 Hours Later)

"Water Style: Ice Spears" 

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu"

Sasuke and Akihito faced of against each other in order to test there jutsu's. Sakura was watching from the sidelines with a grim look on her face. 

Sasuke and Akihito glared of at each other with hate . Before they can throw another jutsu, Kakashi finally arrived.

"Hey, what I miss" 

Sasuke and Akihito looked away from each other and focused there glare at Kakashi who late yet again. Kakashi just laughed it away.

"So your all here, good. Now lets begin with the test, you see these two bells over here I want you guys to get these bells from me. The two who get the bells will pass but the one who doesn't will return to the academy. Show me everything you got " 

Sasuke and Sakura nodded their heads, determined to get the bells and pass. While Akihito was planning his next moves swiftly and accurately. Kakashi began the exam as Sasuke and Sakura went into the forest followed by Kakashi. Akihito masked his chakra and hid behind a bush while examining Kakashi's movements.

Sasuke was the first one to go and fight Kakashi. Sasuke with his usual arrogance blabbed on and on how only an Uchiha can defeat an Uchiha. Due to this he charged right at Kakashi without thinking twice.

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