The Loss: Awakening the power within

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Okay guys in this chapter I am going to introduce you guys to some of the characters. I hope you guys like it. So here goes nothing.

In the Royal Throne Room ministers are gathered for the usual morning meetings. On the Throne sat a man in his late 50's with luxurious clothes, this man is the Fire Daimyo, Tenno Shinji. On his left his trusted man, Eunuch Chang, standing there with a stoic face. On the Throne to his right sat a blond young boy with a bored expression, the Young Crown Prince Akihito, on his left stood his bodyguard/Best Friend, Kangsu.

The Royal Court is divided into Two Faction. These Factions are the "The Orchid" and the "RavenClaws". These two factions are led by the two ministers. Right Minister Chu leads "The Orchid" while Left Prime Minister Shu leads the "RavenClaws. And Today is another normal day  where they argue over something as simple as who gets to go and distribute sacks of rice to the peasants, personally. 

"Your Majesty, we of "The Orchids" won't stoop to something so low as to give sacks of rice to those filthy peasants" replied the disgusted Right Prime Minister. The rest of "The Orchid" members agreed and shouted there agreement with their leader. 

"Your Majesty, it will be an honour for "The RavenClaws" to take on this simple task of just giving sacks of rice to the people of our nation. Unlike the pompous Orchids over there we love our people" replied the smirking Left Prime Minister. Before the Right Prime Minister Chu could retort, the Throne Room was filled with laughing from the Young Crown Prince. 

"OMG, Old man PMC you just got burned by PMS. Man this is funny" answered the laughing Crown Prince. Everyone in the Throne Room was bewildered at the Crown Princes behavior, except for "The Orchid" members. 

"It is resolved than, the "RavenClaws" will be the ones responsible for distributing sacks of rice to the people. I hope you guys work diligently in your responsibilities. Court Dismissed." Said the Fire Daimyo. The Daimyo stood and left, followed by the Young Crown Prince who was leaving to his private training ground.

He arrives there and puts on his training clothes and begins his match with his Best Friend.


Concubine Li Fan P.O.V

A beautiful woman sits on top her chair looking at her hired missing-nin, she is none other than the Fire Daimyo's former favorite concubine, Lady Li Fan. 

"It's simple really, you just get in his private training grounds and murder him'' said Lady Li Fan. The missing-nin heeded her orders and went to fulfill there orders.

"You think you can just come here and take my sons rightful place as Crown Prince, well then you're mistaken because its going to be his when your dead" thought Lady Li Fan.


Akihito P.O.V

I was fighting with my best friend when I felt and unfamiliar chakra signature heading towards us in an alarming rate. I stopped and threw a kunai at this mysterious intruder.

"Who are you?" I asked. The mysterious man wasn't talking he just stared at me. I kinda admit,it was very creepy. Judging from his clothes, I think he is a shinobi.I looked at his hitai-ate and saw the symbol of Kirigakure crossed out. He's a missing nin!

"Kangsu, he's a missing nin, be careful, he should not be underestimated." I told me best friend. We both entered in fighting stances, he ran towards us and hit us with his katana. We exchanged blows until I was starting to get tired.

"Getting tired, Your Highness" the mysterious man taunted. I looked up at him and ran at him and threw my bestest shot. I saw Kangsu knocked out on the ground. Its just me and him right now. I tried calling for the guards through the signals I have sent out before I fought this guy, but they seem to have not catch it. 

"Shadow Clone Jutsu" 100 clones of myself appeared and I told them to attack the man. He destroyed them like they were nothing. He then came running towards me, he punched me and I fell on the ground. 

"Well, no guards right, Your Highness, I killed them before I came here. Hmmm, you deserve to know who I am, I am Karagi, a missing-nin from Kirigakure, and your executioner." he swung his katana stabbed me and I closed my eyes.

Nothing hit me, when I look up, I saw Kangsu using himself as a shield to protect me from the Katana. Kangsu looked towards me and smiled, he then used his katana and stabbed Karagi, catching him off-guard. I then came forward and killed Karagi by cutting of his head. His body fell down lifelessly. 

I looked towards the body of my Best Friend and ran towards it. I sat beside his body " Kangsu, don't worry I won't let you die, just please hold on" I told him. But he was to stubborn to listen he insisted I listen to what he has to say, " Akihito, for as long as I know you, you were the kind young master that I have served. You loved your people and nation, and you treat your servants with respect and kindness. I am glad "cough" I serv....ed "cough" you Akihito "cough" may your reign as Daimyo ''cough'' be peaceful and "cough" harmon....ic. His breathing slowed down and eventually it stopped.

Kangsu died in front of me, i cried over the loss of my best friend. Tears stained my face I screamed over in agony, sadness, despair, and anger. Nature must have felt my sadness because it started to rain.My best friend is dead because of a stupid missing-nin. I promise you Kangsu, I will give you justice. I felt my eyes stinging of pain, I looked towards my reflection in the puddle and saw something that made me gasp. I have the sharingan, and it already has 3 tomoes.

I was so busy looking at my eyes that I didn't hear my grandfather and his guards rushing inside my private training grounds. 

"Akihito, are you okay, are you hurt" my worried grandfather asked. 

"Don't worry, grandfather" I replied. I then look at my grandfather and when he saw my eyes he fainted. Well I guess I have a lot of explaining to do.

I hope you guys like this chapter. I know making Kangsu die was sad, but it was needed for the story and its genre to work. Thank you guys for reading this chapter. See you in a week or more. 

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