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It was the day, Judgement Day. May Oum protect me. I walked through the doors, a dramatic entrance indeed. Everyone stood before me. Their eyes hiding their judgement. I walk in with confidence, with Ruby at my side hugging my arm in reassurance. We stepped up and walked to our side of the court. Soon after, Amelia along with I assume is a lawyer. She goes on to her side. The bailiff swore all of us in.

Judge: "This trial is now in session..."


After all of the evidence and arguements were made, we were left to wait. Three days of this torture* and finally the decision was being made. We all stood, sweat and anxiety dripping off my brow. Ruby held on to me tightly,

Ruby: "Whatever happens, I'll be here all the steps of the way"

I nodded, but it gave a subtle anxiety that she may not he confident I'll be not guilty. I drank the cup of water given to me to cool myself down. I'm tired, mentally exhausted. Collapse was what I desired so much. A door opened which made me shot up, Ruby followed suit after.

Judge: "All rise" Everyone stood up, a moment passes, "You may take a seat."

My brain just zoned out... 'This moment will determine my future, if it goes wrong I'm done, it's all over' this repeated over and over, the small muffles of the judge are barely comprehensible. I felt a squeeze on my brain bringing me back to real life.

Judge: "Will the defendant please stand"

I stood up again and Ruby held on to me tight. Emotions were overwhelming me inside. I held back tears as fear was punching my gut, scared I was about to be forced out of my life. He spoke

Judge: "The Court of Vale, 115th Judicial District with Auburn v. (L/N), I find the defendant (Y/N) (L/N)... Not Guilty"

I didnt know what to think, all my emotions flood out in tears of all. Ruby held on to me and rubbed circles on my back as I broke down. After a minute of tears, finally gaining my composure, look up to see that there was silence in the audience behind me. I wipe the last tears on my face.

Ruby: "Hey, the judge wants to say something"

I look up to him

Judge: "Mr. (L/N), as of this moment, you are free to leave."

I looked at Ruby, who nodded in agreement, I turn to the judge again.

(Y/N): "Thank you"

Ruby and I left the building. Once outside I was bombarded with news media and what felt like paparazzi. I didnt want to deal with them, luckily Ruby semblance us out of there, where we stood on top of a tall building. The breeze felt cooler, the sun felt brighter, I didn't know how things changed so fast.

Ruby: "Hey..." I turn to her, she had a small smile on her face, "You okay?"

I didnt respond, only by walking up to her, interlaced my hand with hers, held her cheek, and locked lips with her in the deepest kiss. This felt different, with a huge weight off my shoulders. I couldn't help but feel different now. Soon, we separated

(Y/N): "Never better when I'm with you"

Next Day

I woke up feeling a bit more refreshed. Got ready for class, and went to Ruby's dorm to meet all four of them. Yang gave me pat on shoulder

Yang: "Look at you now, a totally free guy... well you were free but hey now the label is off your head."

I laugh

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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