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After all of the tears being let out, we're pulled back up the cliff. Finally reaching the top, both meeting three girls, Yang, White, and Black. Yang and White, totally not amused, and Black being blank.

Yang: "What the hell are you thinking?! Trying to pull off another one? Do you know how worried Ruby was? I hope you're happy that we saved you."

I look down, 'All that trouble, just for a problem.' I look up to see White,

White: "Yeah, I was having my free time, and Ruby calling us because you ended up being stupid!"

I look even more down in shame, but the other,

Black: "Really guys? He almost gave up his life! And what do you do, criticize him. Maybe he needs it, but not now."

I look up, their expressions soften. They look tired and beaten, that's when I realize that all the Grimm are gone.

(Y/N): "Yang, did you, White and Black kill all the Grimm?"

White: "It's Weiss actually!"

Black: "And you can call me Blake."

I nod and return to Yang, nodding. I look back down.

(Y/N): "Why? Why go through all the trouble for me?"

Yang steps forward,

Yang: "On behalf of all of us, we helped because you're important to Ruby, we want to have her happy, she called us too. And me, we still need to have that fight eh?"

I give a slight smile,

(Y/N): "Heh, yeah that's right,"

Ruby: "Yang please don't try to kill him though,"

Ruby just suddenly speaks up, must've forgot she was hugging me the entire time. Yang sighs, and chuckles

Yang: "No promises, but the way she's holding you is really pushing my buttons"

She says with a big smirk. Me and Ruby see how we're holding each other. My face blushing deep red as I rapidly let go of her, same thing with her as well. Yang laughs very loud,

Yang: "You guys are easy, and because of that, I'll trust you a little more, alright?"

I give a small smile and before I give a nod,

Yang: "Oh yeah one more thing,"

She came closer and whispers to my ear,

Yang: "Remember, she's only 15 years old. Try something and I'll rip you limb by limb, got it?"

What's scary is that she said it in a nice tone, making it even more intimidating. I gulp and nod, nervously and embarrassingly. I look around and see that Blake and Weiss have already left leaving Ya-... she's gone now too. I look at Ruby who is confused, probably wondering what Yang said. Just like that, after shock, I felt all the trauma of almost suicide fill my body. Tears blinding my vision, body becomes weak to me falling to my knees, hyperventilating. I can hear muffles of sound next to me, I believe trying to communicate to me. My response being the only thing I can think of,

(Y/N): "I—-I—-I almost died..."

Shaking in fear, my head in excruciating pain. Then... feeling tired, eyes closing. Darkness...

Ruby POV

I was so scared. I thought (Y/N) just had a heart attack or something. Upon inspection, he just fell unconscious, and it's the worst right now. I pick him up on my back. As I'm trying to carry him back to his dorm, we were lucky enough to not encounter any of our... enemies? Yeah enemies, I carry him into his dorm lay him in his bed, and... FULL SPEED TO THE CAFETERIA. After all that I was super duper starving. I grab all the cookies and strawberries I could get my little paws on and run back, chowing down as I went. By the time I got there, which was around 18.57938 seconds, I already ate everything. 'Mmmm that hit the spot.' I look and see that he's shaking a little bit. I get ready for bed, with more of his clothes, and jump in next to him. After looking at his feared state, he looks... broken, more than usual. 'I'm sorry
(Y/N), someday I will help you put an end to all of your pain, so that I may see your smiling face everyday.' And I start cuddling him, and I may have... put my hand under his shirt, feeling his toned body. It was... satisfying? 'Hehehe... er... I must be weird,' but whatever, I'm hoping that I help him. I find that he's calmed down, was faster than last time. I scoot closer next to him and go to sleep. Sleepy soothe darkness...

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