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Ruby POV

I started to lose myself as my curiousness got stronger and louder. That's why I'm walking straight for Headmaster Ozpin's office. I enter the elevator, preparing what I'm going to say. The doors open up and seeing Professor Ozpin doing some paperwork. He looks up to me,

Ozpin: "Ah, Ruby, it is getting a little late, shouldn't you be preparing for bed?"

Ruby: "Yeah I know, but I just have some questions I want to get off my chest."

Ozpin: "Very well, what seems to be troubling you?"

Ruby: "What happened to the guy who supposedly did horrible things?"

He looks up at me, like as if he's curious of where this is going.

Ozpin: "You mean (Y/N)?"

'(Y/N)... that's his name!'

Ruby: "Yeah, him"

Ozpin: "That's an interesting question. Why, may I ask?"

Ruby: "He seems so lost and depressed, I want to know what's going on. I want to understand,"

This seemed to work, as Ozpin stood up from his desk and looked out his giant window,

Ozpin: "Ruby, what do you currently know about (Y/N)?"

I take a moment to think about it, given that this is the reason why she's here in the first place.

Ruby: "Well, I heard that he did some pretty terrible things to some people and that I shouldn't get close to him."

Ozpin nodding,

Ozpin: "Do you know what kind of things?"

Ruby: "Well the one I heard was sexual harassment and worse but that was it."

Ozpin sighs and inhales, he continues,

Ozpin: "(Y/N) has it pretty hard these days, he once was accused of sexual harassment and even rape. Due to no evidence and his alibi, he was not guilty and faced no charges. However, there was a big problem, during the trials of the case, he had been publicly put down and torn to pieces. His team begged us to kick him out, even if it costed them expulsion, they didn't want a single thing to do with him. From what's happening, he's been pushed around, bullied, and dehumanized."

My eyes were wide, filled with tears. 'Has he been tortured by everyone? And only because of a false accusation?!' I went from sadness to anger, then to determination. I want to help (Y/N), no one should be tortured and depressed, better case since he hasn't even done anything wrong.

Ruby: "Thank you professor,"

I turn around only to be called out by Professor Ozpin,

Ozpin: "Ruby... take good care of him will you?"

I look at him, giving him a reassuring smile and a confident nod. He waves to me, I wave back, and as I soon as I got to the elevator, I ran to head to his dorm, 'I'll wait for him.'


I just kept running, running and running with little sign of slowing down. Eventually I do stop for a rest. Cutting down a tree to make a stump to sit on. I look around to see I'm in Emerald Forest, and hearing Grimm coming closer to me. 'Well, this should help me get my mind of things,' as I jump up on top of a tree, seeking Grimm. As I locate Beowolves, Ursas, Nevermores coming, I jump up high in the air and full charge towards them.

Timeskip (Bad at writing fight scenes)

I look around seeing a bunch of Grimm bodies decaying as usual. My mind a little more clear, I walked back to Beacon, listening to music and attempting to ignore any possible looks and comments of me. As I'm about to approach my dorm, I notice the little red girl a couple hours ago, snoring next to my door. 'Hn' I didn't know if I should just leave her or to just bring her in. After thinking, it would be better if I moved her a little farther away from my door, so no one gets suspicious of me again. I move her, not waking her up not even a bit, 'Wow, heavy sleeper.' I enter my dorm, shower, brush my teeth and get ready for bed.

As I was going to grab my deodorant, I notice my razor blade. I suddenly lost my cool and just started to panic full of pain, picturing the dirty looks, hearing their words, getting louder and louder. I try to cover that sound, but to no effect. I swiftly grab my razor into the bathroom, and just start to cut myself. Cut 2, 3, 5, and same for the other wrist. Feeling like total garbage, I bursted into tears, just wishing that I could just die right then and there. I've tried to end my life many times, but the sudden scare of death prevents so, making me feel worse. I'm just a coward! Not brave enough to just end everything. What surprised me out of my thoughts was a knock on my bathroom door. 'Huh?'

???: "(Y/N)?! Are you okay?! What's going on in there?!"

I think about it, and recognize that it sounds like that red girl... Ruby! Hmm... she must be trying to find a way to humiliate me, so I stayed quiet.

Ruby: "(Y/N)?! If you don't tell me right now or open this door, I swear I'll break in!"

I just sat there, nothing to say. Then, suddenly, I felt dizzy. Looking at my hands as a lot of blood was coming out, maybe too much. Instead of being scared, I just smiled a little, accepting my possible death. The last thing I hear is a muffle from Ruby, then a thud, darkness...

Ruby's Side

I slowly woke up, realizing I'm in the hallway still. I remember that I was waiting for (Y/N), but I accidentally fell asleep. 'Weird, I thought I was laying in front of his door, maybe he moved me,' and that's when I also realized he may be in his dorm. I run and check under his door for light, 'Nothing weird about this at all,' and see light in his room. 'He must be awake still.'

Being the (naive and not thinking) logical person I am, I attempt to open his door and seeing it's unlocked. I walk in and notice he's not here, and that the bathroom door closed with light too. What catches me off guard was that I heard small sniffles and sobs, 'Is something wrong?' I walk and hear sobbing, but there were small pauses between sobs. 'Oh he better not be-!' I had to do something quick! I knock on the door,

Ruby: "(Y/N)?! Are you okay?! What's going on in there?!"

It goes quiet, starting to me freak out.

Ruby: "(Y/N)?! If you don't tell me right now or you don't open this door, I swear I'll break in!"

It's still quiet and just thinking on how to do this. I hear small movement, thinking the worst.

Ruby: "Alright! I'm coming in!"

I barge on the door, successfully getting in. Seeing the worst sight I've ever seen, unconscious (Y/N) with bloody wrists with tears in his face. I'm getting more scared for him. Quickly picking him up on my back, 'Wow, he's lighter than I thought. Cmon! I have to hurry!' I use my semblance to get him to the infirmary.

Barging in, I tell a nurse that he is in danger and that he's need medical attention. They grab him, thanking me for bringing him, and to go back and rest. I wish I could stay, but with them not allowing me and me feeling all weak. I, defeated, go back to my dorm, sneaking into my bed and sleeping, with him as my last thought before sleep taking me over...

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