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Ruby POV

I was walking around the courtyard of Beacon, in the middle of the night. As I'm just wandering around, I notice a limping figure run by. Focusing on them, it's (Y/N). Surprised, I run to catch up to him. Following him to Emerald forest, I almost catch up when I see him standing close to the edge of a cliff. I stop and stare,

Ruby: "(Y/N)? What are you doing out here?"

He turns around, and his face was depressing. His emotionless face, lifeless eyes, just standing at slouching stance. He doesn't say a word and turns back to the cliff, taking one small step closer, and closer. Scaring me, I run after him, tears in my eyes, knowing what he's going to do.

Ruby: "NO! Don't do it! Please!"

But before I grab him he's already fallen off. I reach out for him, knowing it's too late.

Ruby: "NOO!"

I jolt awake in a cold sweat, 'It's only a nightmare.' Checking my scroll, its 05:14, I want to go back asleep, but fearing that I will see that nightmare again, or worse. I get up and just walk to the cafeteria, still in my pajamas. There's no one here except a person here and there, and out of nowhere getting suuuper hungry, I run and grab a bunch of cookies, strawberries, and a juice box. 'Hehehe I love breakfast,' I munch on everything until I feel satisfied, walk back to my dorm, and almost get ready for class. 'Wait... it's the weekend! Hmmm... what should I do? Ooh I know!' I dress my usual combat wear and head towards the infirmary.

Upon entering, I search around for (Y/N), until I reach his room. I see he's still asleep, but looking better than last night. I walk next to him and carefully roll up his sleeve a little bit. Scars and the newer cuts... all over! 'He's been doing this for long time that's for sure, poor (Y/N), he doesn't deserve this. I feel tears start to fall out of my eyes. 'No one deserves this pain.' I walk out, back to my dorm, and talk to my team. 'I don't know what to do, I want to help him, but not pressure him or make him uncomfortable. I just want him to be happy. I like him...'

I'm in my dorm, meeting a sleeping Yang, a reading Blake, and a angered/worried Weiss.

Weiss: "Where were you?! I got worried sick, thinking something happened to you!"

Ruby: "Calm your horses Weiss, I went to the cafeteria for breakfast, and Literally came back, got dressed, and went to check on (Y/N)"

Weiss scoffs at me for this,

Weiss: "You mean your little boyfriend? I'm still a little unsure with him, but just let us know okay, a text, call, note, something!"

Ruby: "Oookayyyyy, and what do mean by unsure?"

Weiss: "I mean, he was accused of really serious things and they may have been true, but couldn't be proved, you know?"

This again.

Blake: "You shouldn't be making assumptions Weiss, for all we know he could be innocent."

Ruby: "I understand what you're getting at but I talked to Professor Ozpin and he gave me the answer."

Weiss softens a little,

Weiss: "Oh yeah that's right, what did he say?"

Ruby: "Well... he (What Ozpin told Ruby)"

Weiss's face is full of sadness.

Weiss: "Wow... that's a lot for a person. I'm sorry, just like everyone else, I just assumed it was true."

Blake: "Exactly, with these kinds of situations and how people think, these accusations are taken as facts even if the burden of proof is weak, invalid, and even non-existent,"

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