Amends (Filler)

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Team RWBY and I were still cleaning up all the Christmas decorations. We would've done that yesterday, but we needed a chance to rest after the Christmas party. It's the day. Looking at all the Christmas spirit being taken down temporarily for next year, kinda saddens and reliefs me. If Christmas lasted longer or forever, that spirit would definitely fade.

Yang: "Oi (Y/N)! Come here and catch the star!"

I walk towards the tree with open arms, catching the star. After putting away all the decorations, I looked the clock. Not yet. Ruby needed help taking down all the lights around, so I assisted her in grabbing and unhooking all of them. Weiss was getting calls left and right, possibly from her father. Her amount of stress completely said so. Blake was too busy reading a "cultured" book I gave her. It was good to not judge, she likes what she likes. Yang finally finished getting all the ornaments off the tree, plus some hidden candy canes. After getting Blake to help more. The whole dorm was finally clean. I turn my head to look at the time. Ruby clung to my arm,

Ruby: "Yay we're done! What do you want to do today?"

(Y/N): "Aww, I'm sorry Ruby... but I have something to do today, maybe tomorrow we can hang out."

It hurt to see her frown, but I had to today.

Yang: "Where you going?"

She looked at me like I was going to do something lewd, but I protested.

(Y/N): "I... I have to... it's something important, but I can't tell you... I'm sorry."

She frowned too, disappointed. Blake jumped in,

Blake: "Well it's your business only, no need to apologize for Yang trying to pry."

(Y/N): "Thanks."

A buzz from my scroll and I read the alarm. 'Time to go'

(Y/N): "Sorry guys, I actually have to go now. I'll... uh... I'll see you guys."

I turned to the door and made my way out.

Ruby POV

It seemed odd with that, and they got the same idea.

Blake: "You guys following him?"

We all were dumbfounded, especially Yang.

Yang: "What about us not trying to pry?"

Weiss: "Looks like she just wanted to reassure, I'm curious as well. Let's go?"

I wanted to protest since it was his business, but I was curious too.

Ruby: "Fine... let's go."


Walking in the mid afternoon to evening had a different feeling to Vale. Walking my way through the streets, pulling into an alley with an entrance. Now there are two places to go when you want to have fun. There is Junior's club, and then Junior's bar. Both are connected to the same place, but it's different and quiet. Not many know about it and Junior will often be here in the evening, and in the club after midnight. I saw him, cleaning some cups. I walk up and sat on a stool.

Junior: "Well... if it isn't (Y/N). Finally you show up."

(Y/N): "Like I would"

I said rather coldly. He grunts.

Junior: "So... two tequilas?"

I nod in response as two shots are slid towards me. I set the second shot in front of the other stool. I know I'm underage, but Junior knows me well enough to not go overboard, but not today... I drank the shot. And hand up for another, which another was thrown to me. I couldn't help but feel so down. So lost in this feeling of separation. It was no surprise, as it was December 27. 21 years. After a lot of reminiscing, I drank the other shot. Soon another, then rum, vodka, bourbon, you name it. I could barely stay still before Junior cut me off. I growled and walked out. Almost falling and walking into things. I stumbled my way outside. It was dark now, very. Stars weren't showing, even the shattered moon was invisible. I looked for the direction, and head that way. I could barely walk, but I still was a little coherent. Finally after a checkpoint so I knew exactly where I was, it started to rain a little. The rain wasn't a bother, but the reminder hurt a lot. I fought tears as I continued my journey. Walking, stumbling, almost tripping, I finally made it to my destination... 'Vale Cemetery" It was raining I bit harder. I looked around, finding it. I see it in the distance. I make my way there until it sits before me. Tears flowed out of my eyes, covered by rain. I raise the hidden shot I stole, taking my final shot. Falling to my knees in disorientation. I felt weak, useless. I sobbed and sobbed.

(Y/N): "I wish I was there... to take care of you."

My voice was breaking, crackling, both. For the 100 time, I read the inscription, 'Here lies Nico Narda, loved by all around him, loving all around him.' It hurt that I couldn't be there, even as the little brother. I wish I could've taken care of him, even if that didn't make sense. He was my older brother, and now... he's gone. I lay where his body rests, crying to exhaustion. 'I will never forget you, for that I love you. And I'll live a life so good, it'll cover for you and me.' Soon sleep was taking over me, in the cold, dark night.

Ruby POV

We all followed behind him, making sure were out of his sight, not to get caught. He made his way into an alley, I looked at Yang, since it was next to Junior's, maybe she knew. But she could only shrug her arms. Looking in, we saw him talking to Junior, taking shots.

Yang: "Woah... he can drink? No fair." She whispered to us. We were all surprised that he drank. In fact, he drank one more often as he drank more. Soon Junior kicked him out. Where we hid, he walked out. We continued to follow him throughout the entirety of Vale, when we walks into the cemetery. I stop everyone.

Ruby: "Wait... I want to go in alone."

Yang: "What? Why?"

Ruby: "This is something, and as his girlfriend... I want to personally make sure he's okay... please."

Yang stood back and so did Weiss and Blake, I continued. Rain was falling moderately. He was on his knees, shaking. He was mourning for someone, but I didn't know who. He then fell to the floor and stopped. Scared out of my mind, I dash to check on him. I check his pulse and breathing, all were okay. I sigh in relief. I saw the tombstone, and understood. It was pouring now. I carry him on my back, and carried him to where WBY was. Greeting them to a small shock.

Ruby: "I'll explain later, we need to take him home now."

They all nodded, and we ran back. I admired and was saddened by his actions. 'Still, I'm glad you wished him a happy birthday (Y/N)'

Parody name, but... I think you get it, if not let me know. :)

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