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It's not an easy thing to try to describe what went through our minds where we stood dumbfounded in a parking lot at Incheon airport in the middle of the night. It all moved almost too quick to comprehend, yet so slow I felt like we were all standing still waiting for the next frame to sneak its way ahead.

From the rush of my reappearing soul's pull towards its mates, to the warmth in my heart from the realisation that Martin's person had been here waiting for him all along, my body was a giddy mess floating on clouds of thrill. But the mood was definitely not matching my excitement and I almost felt guilty or somewhat selfish for pulling my own joy out of this obviously uncomfortable situation.

With access to Hoseok's unfiltered mind once again, I saw worries of someone seeing what was going on. I understood immediately how bad the timing was, Yeonjun's band members had no idea what was happening and even if their confusion was a problem we could solve, we also had to get all of us out of the naked eye of the night and into the safety of the cars before any of their fans spotted them.

Somehow the famous part of my soulmates' lifestyle often fell through as a forgotten fact in my mind. Thoroughly occupied with the romantic feelings towards seven men who I'd fallen so hard and so fast for, I had been cocooned into this reality consisting of the eight of us, these seven men were my safe space, but setting foot in Korea I had to remind myself that these seven men were the safe space of so many other people as well.

Every person they touched with their music and their presence in this world also had a part of my soulmates in them, and I could never imagine wanting that to go away. However, standing here in the dimly lit lot of cars trying to predict what would escape Yeonjun's mouth once he opened it to speak, I understood that an anonymous life would probably have been beneficial right about now.

He walked quickly with long strides towards Martin and I moved away from where I was between them when I realised he would probably collide with me to get to him. I knew the feeling, remembered it in perfect detail how the initial first sight was like a current of electricity running through you telling you that if you just keep looking then the warm emotions running between you and your soulmate will continue to flow, and continue to fill you with the exciting emotion that followed.

My back hit a firm chest and I was startled for a millisecond before I relaxed into the closeness of the body behind mine. I didn't even have to look up to know who I had hit during my attempt to make way for Yeonjun, but I did it anyway, sending Namjoon a wink before I turned to not get too distracted by the dimpled smile of the tall beauty.

Martin and Yeonjun stood face to face, closer than considered normal yet I could see both of them almost considered it not close enough as they looked into each other's eyes and reached out for the other's hands.

"You're..." Yeonjun started.

"I fucking told you I was real" Martin cut him off and I couldn't help but laugh, Martin's sassy side already coming out gave even further confirmation this was truly his match.

The men were holding hands, smiling mindlessly at each other, surely words were being shared between them in the most private way possible.

Almost lost in their moment I snapped out of it when I felt Namjoon tense up against my back seconds before he spoke.

"I know the timing sucks, but we really gotta get out of here Yeonjun."

"You don't have to drive, I'll do that, just point us to your car" Jimin chimed in from my left and Yeonjun nodded almost unnoticeably before he reached out for Jimin's hand and pulled both Martin and Jimin towards one of the black cars parked in front of us, making sure to still keep his eyes on Martin.

Complete Us 2 - The new reality. A BTS ot7 +1 soulmate story.Where stories live. Discover now