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Hoseok's POV

The heat from Namjoon's phone burned in my hand when I canceled the call and stood up from where I'd sat crouched next to him, an immediate relief stinging through my lower back from having been bent over to look at the screen for too long. The three pairs of eyes were fixed on me, looking stunned where they'd frozen from when I'd ended the call so abruptly.

"Hobah, we still have three meetings toda-"

"I don't give a shit, did you hear them? Did you actually listen to all that? I've been in physical pain all day and I KNOW you've felt it too. My mind feels like it's constantly looking for them and I CAN'T hear them. We need to be there. We need them. I can't be four today I need to be eight. Am I the only one?"

My arms were spread out in exasperation, probably over dramatising the speech but it felt like ants were crawling on the inside of my skin and the sound of Hannah's moan where I knew she sat naked with our soulmates made me lose myself completely. It was as if my soul and my body were screaming to grab the rest and get us to them as fast as humanly possible, had I been the one with the teleportation ability this must be how it felt when you're in so much distress the universe would transport you to your soulmate without you even knowing you were making it happen.

Jungkook sharply turned his head to look at Namjoon instead of me, my heart was beating hard against the inside of my chest, rattling my thoughts. I knew within myself that I was leaving no matter what, but I was painfully aware that Jungkook wouldn't do anything if Namjoon didn't allow him to. Taehyung was often easier to convince, however considering how he'd been glued to Jungkook's side all day the reality was that I wouldn't get either of them with me unless Namjoon decides to join.

"Joon I know we have responsibilities but I seriously-"

"No... you're right. you're right. We're idiots letting this all control what we're doing. We're adults, we're a fucking soulmate cluster. We should be able to make these decisions for ourselves, we should be together. I want to see them. I've felt it all day too. We need to see them, you're absolutely right Hobah."

That set the room in motion. Within a second Taehyung and Jungkook were on their feet packing all of our things into bags, the relief inside my chest felt like beams of sunshine trying to escape through my pores and I couldn't help myself as I threw my arms around Namjoon's neck, crashing my lips onto his in the only thank you I could come up with in the immediate moment.

"Mmm-" Namjoon spoke against my lips, the vibration of his voice sending tingles from my lips and down to my groin immediately. Reminding me that with all of this hormonal imbalance I was also getting turned on by pretty much anything today. which in a different setting could be something I'd take advantage of, but right here, thrown across Namjoon in his office chair, we had more important things to do than each other.

"Hyuung you just said we could go, and now you're stalling! come on!" Jungkook whined behind us and it knocked me out of my daze, lifting myself up from the chair, separating from Joon and lifting my arm to wrap it around Jungkook, still not out of my horny haze. He was so cute with his soft pout and impatient eyes running from me to Joon looking for a go sign, our pretty little codependent boy.

"I still can't picture you being domineering with Hannah, baby boy. You're so cute and sweet and soft, I hope I get to see it in person one day."

Jungkook whined embarrassingly next to me as I chuckled and kissed his temple, leading him and Taehyung towards the door. Namjoon's heavy footsteps following behind us steadily while turning off lights, shutting doors, and grabbing his keys gave me the assurance I needed to keep walking towards the elevator without looking back, feeling lighter than I had all day.

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