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I love Seoul.

It hadn't taken long at all to settle down with the idea of this being my home. Work was going well, my creativity at a new all time high - being happy and in love will do that to a girl. The guys were back to living their usual not so normal lives but showing me that they had space for me in it, they always made me feel like we fit.

I'd only been here the short amount of three weeks, but my life felt completely new, my worries were shifted, my perspective changed. Like I'd been given a clean slate and a whole box of crayons to make it my own.

Three knocks sounded across the broad wooden door of my office, successfully pulling me out of my daydreaming thoughts as I stared out at the magnificent view through my office window.

"Come in" I called and turned my chair to face the door, closing the programs on my computer to get ready to leave.

The door soundlessly opened and I felt my stomach flutter when I saw the dimpled smile of Namjoon from the doorway. He was wearing baggy blue jeans and an oversized hoodie and even though I knew this was most likely something he'd pulled out of the closet at random in a hurry to get dressed, he pulled it off to perfection. His hair complemented the rag tag style where it fell into his face like a silk scarf due to the lack of product in it.

"What did I do to deserve such a fine visitor on a Tuesday afternoon?" I asked playfully, getting up from my chair to meet him where he stood waiting with his arms open to embrace me. The feeling of my body colliding with his in a hug almost indescribable. Like a fresh breath of air or a warm shower on a cold day.

"Not only is the visitor nice but he comes to summon you for lunch prepared by your soulmate. You must have hit the lottery" Namjoon spoke into my hair, his arms around me almost long enough to go around two times and the hug strong enough to allow me to just encompass myself in his scent. However at his words I pulled away to attain eye contact.

"You didn't cook did you?" I tried to hide the minor terror in my question, but his eyes looking down into mine told me he'd noticed it. He rolled them and sighed.

"You make it sound like I can't cook anything! I can cook!"

"Namjoon you burnt the water for my tea the other day"

"That's not-"

"We have an electric kettle!" The tone was argumentative but our eyes were full of affection, and maybe I was teasing a little bit, but he did ruin my tea.

"Fine, fine, you win, I can't cook. Yoongi hyung cooked. We're home to work on some lyrics today and you know he likes to busy his mind when he's supposed to be doing something else, it was either a home made lunch or going out bird watching."

"You didn't want to go out bird watching?"

Namjoon kissed the top of my head before he moved past me, grabbing my phone from my desk and handing it to me, tapping the control centre on the desk to shut off the lights.

"Jimin loves bird watching" He mumbles innocently while he taps on the screen. "I didn't want to go without him"

I couldn't help but coo at him, he was so cute when he let his affection push through like that. Not that he wasn't always cute, I just enjoyed seeing the different sides to him, enjoyed knowing I still had a lot to learn about this person that I wanted to love my whole life.

"Stop looking at me like that. You're making me blush" Namjoon muttered as he shot forward chained my arm with his and walked me out of my office, allowing the electric lock to lock the room before we made it towards the elevator.

Complete Us 2 - The new reality. A BTS ot7 +1 soulmate story.Where stories live. Discover now