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It's strange how fast the human mind forgets. A moment seemingly set in stone, carved into wood for everyone to see for years to come, will warp in your mind until what you remember about it is solely what your subconscious wants to remember about it.

Waking up feeling the heat of the sun against my face and the soft skin of my soulmate against mine was a memory of that sort to me.

I hadn't forgotten what it felt like having him close, the feeling of pure happiness stemming from being around him was a constant in my life since the moment I met him, and maybe even before then. But it's almost like memories can't hold anything but a 2D recollection of something, and what ever you keep for your storage of memories, becomes a recollection of facts. You can't relive a precious moment through your memories, you can only remind yourself of the time when you experienced it.

So being in the moment it dawned upon me that every moment I held dear, and that I enjoyed, should be enjoyed in the now, because if I saved the enjoyment to be consumed in my memories, I'd lose the entire essence of it in the meantime.

My palms laid flat on Yoongi's chest as I felt his slow breaths move his body in soft motions, I snuggled closer to him and realised when he tugged me to his body that his arms were on my waist under my shirt, his hands broad against my naked back where they pushed me further into him in a half slumber.

I was seeing the man beside me in a whole new light as I gazed at the visual in front of me, taking in how his body held mine like it had done so a million times, his breath puffed against my forehead and every once in a while a slight hum escaped him in his sleepy state.

He was obviously comfortable, and his comfort calmed me in return, allowing me to bask in the moment of sharing a sleep with him rather than freak out about my out of character behaviour the night before. It was almost as if I could taste his lips on mine once I recalled the kiss from last night, but again not to its full extent, a recollection but now that I'd made myself aware of it, I knew it had been better than what I allowed myself to remember it was.

"Your thoughts are something else." A voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Jimin?" I asked, I could recognise that voice anywhere.

It caught me by surprise once I heard his voice, and I almost looked around for the source of the sound until I realised the sound couldn't have come from anywhere but inside my head.

"Your mind functions magically, it's almost foreign to me how beautiful something can sound when you're describing it to yourself. It's like you look at things with a filter I don't possess." Jimin whispered, his voice resembling a melody within me.

I chuckled to my self, he was trying to figure me out, and in the process he'd sat in on one of my inner monologues. Not all of them were as pleasant as the one I was currently leading, but if a reality where this mindset being my default could exist then I would gladly embrace it.

"It doesn't have to be your default, Love. It just has to be your goal. Together we can reach every goal we ever set, I'm confident in that."

"Your confidence in my mind is flattering yet worrying Park Jimin"

His laugh was somehow not just heard but also felt as the warmth of his emotions passed through me like an embrace I couldn't see, it startled me while also calming me enough to the point where I became unsure if I was actually awake or not.

"What time is it?" I asked.


"Why are we awake at 6AM?"

Complete Us 2 - The new reality. A BTS ot7 +1 soulmate story.Where stories live. Discover now