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The café was luxurious, of course it was luxurious, there was no option for it not to be luxurious. Sleek interior design, a comfortable atmosphere and just the right amount of lighting filtering through the large windows. It had every type of coffee you could imagine, pastries of any sort, a section for hot foods and even an option to talk to the chef to have something specific made if one of the hundred options weren't exactly what you wanted. It was more than was necessary for a company café but at the same time exactly what I would expect this crazy building to house. By this point I should probably just walk around anywhere expecting the extravagant as that seemed to always be the product of anything HYBE ever did. And unlike where some places the quality lessens in exchange for a broader menu, the coffee was really good, comforting and warm and just the right amount of bitter. It was freakishly perfect. But that shouldn't be a surprise I guess.

"Remember how you used to bug me with all your imagined scenarios surrounding K-Pop? Who would have thought a year ago when you cried about Yoongi's hands on the couch blaming me for not having perfect hands, that we would be where we are right now. It's really strange to think about" Martin laughed into his mug of tea.

I twisted my face in discomfort of the memory, not that it was a bad one, I never considered my attraction to the group bad. I might have felt bad for Martin for having to put up with me at times but he powered through it like a champ, it was awkward to know I'd been sat drooling over men who ended up being my actual partners however. Awkward enough to not want to be reminded of it as often as Martin tended to want to.

"It's also weird to think that I once forced you to sit through TXT's debut performances, whom you continued to call children, and now you are sharing a bed with one of them."

"Hey don't put it like that, it sounds so wrong. Yeonjun is an adult. At least I'm not fucking SEVEN men at once. I might have suddenly become gay but you suddenly became polyamorous so out of the two of us I'm still the normal one here!"

We'd always been playfully honest with each other, never a topic really outside the grasp of discussion or teasing. But knowing we both had soulmates of our own made our friendship feel effortless and without any boundaries, I would be for ever grateful for having him in my life. And even though it felt like a distant lie, I knew my time dating him had been for a reason and that we both had grown into who we were because of each other. We knew each other well and it was a constant refreshment to be able to talk to Martin about things and know I had someone who could relate and who would be honest with me.

"Who's going to tell Yeonjun that Beomgyu was your favourite though?" I smirked.

Martin's eyes shot up, a serious look on his face. "Don't you dare. I already had to convince him I was only into BTS for you, Jimin told Jun he was my free pass and he was suddenly on the dance floor trying to dance contemporary to impress me."

I laughed aloud, the memories of us sitting cozy on the couch watching performances and music videos into the night hours playing inside my head, warmth traveling through me with fondness of the time we shared together. Time that we were, according to the universe, not supposed to have, but time I would always appreciate. A lot of things went undecided in my life, but my memories and my past choices would still be mine. It was already moving towards becoming a common theme in my life, that everything I thought I knew kept changing and I think if my memories were to go as well I don't think I would have been able to believe I was really me anymore.

"What just happened?"


"We were having a fun moment and suddenly your shoulders sagged. What's up?"

I hesitated. right. He knows me too well.

"It's just... sometimes it just dawns on me how out of my control this all is. You know I like to know what's happening and where my life is going. I hate not knowing, hate that there is no recipe or direct plan or knowledge of the outcome. Every choice made since I met them has been affected by circumstance or someone's opinion of what I should do. I love having soulmates, and I love them so much but sometimes I feel trapped, you know?" I wasn't planning on blurting all that out, didn't even really know it was waiting eagerly to escape my brain like that but suddenly the words were spoken into the room, made real and almost physically present in the air around me. Martin hummed and a sympathetic look met mine.

Complete Us 2 - The new reality. A BTS ot7 +1 soulmate story.Where stories live. Discover now