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It was almost funny how they walked in circles around me, like birds wanting the crumbs around my feet but immediately flying away if I moved even an inch towards them.

Okay maybe it wasn't exactly like that, but they did thread lightly around me. Maybe it was because of the plan going to shit and me and Yoongi ending up as the ones having to pick up the pieces of the shattered mess. Them being inside my head at any wanted time should help them see how I wasn't at all mad at them, more so worried about us all than anything else.

Maybe it was because they were stuck spending the evening last night with a pissed off Martin who had apparently acted like my mom after I'd left. Trying to school everyone who would listen on how they'd messed up and how they'd better fix it and make sure I wasn't hurt in the process.

The sheepish looks on their faces when they came over, finding Yoongi and me cuddled up under a blanket on the sofa watching Moana was almost funny. Our bright moods were however not enough to convince them that we'd decided to not think about it today, so now we were sat around the dinner table, silence heavy as pouring rain, eyes running between soulmates.

"So.. how.."

"Hey, we should.."

Jin and I spoke at the same time, both stopping to make room for the other to talk.

"No, you first" Jin said after we'd both waited for each other.

"Oh, thank you. uhh. I just wanted to say... we should maybe address this awkward silence. As Yoongi and I said when you came, we decided not to get caught up with it today, but that doesn't have to count for you. We should talk about this. About yesterday. About what this might mean."

The eyes staring back at me looked almost tortured. Regret and apology present in all of them. Jungkook and Jimin were shining a bright blueish grey and Hoseok's mind was almost screaming at me telling me he didn't like this.

"Why don't we just start with what they told you at the meeting today?" Yoongi jumped in next to me.

"Does the company have a more detailed plan now?"

Namjoon cleared his throat and shook his head, stepping into the more responsible persona it seemed, like he needed to clear his head to be able to answer.

"Okay, we can do that. We haven't really talked this over ourselves yet anyway, we might have been angrily asked to leave the meeting halfway through." A blush appeared on Joon's cheeks and his eyes traveled to Jimin.

Jimin was bright red, his face partially hidden behind his arm where he leaned against the table.

"Jimin may or may not have threatened our manager with beating him up" Jungkook said beside him. Chuckles dancing around the room from a couple people, Jimin looked up to meet my eyes and sank lower into his chair.

"What? Why?"

"They wanted us to stay completely away. Suggested Yoongi announced a break from all group activities and that we didn't see each other at all for a while...." Taehyung spoke up

"We were all against the idea, immediately shutting it down, but when they started trying to convince us by explaining a soulmate bond, going into detail about what it would be like for the two of you. Jimin kind of lost it."

"I only started screaming at him when he insinuated they wouldn't have time for us anymore and that Yoongi might prefer some time away from us, hyung. And don't pretend you weren't affected too, I was on Jin's emotion juice, I had every emotion in the room in my head" Jimin whined, his voice weak but his posture strengthening, finding confidence in his own reasoning as the grey turned slightly warmer in colour.

Complete Us 2 - The new reality. A BTS ot7 +1 soulmate story.Where stories live. Discover now