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Opening my eyes to welcome the view of the unfamiliar room I felt the beat of Yoongi's heart underneath the palm of my hand. I was laying splayed across his chest, my body curved into his lips two pieces of a puzzle fitting together just right. He wasn't too warm, wasn't too cold. He was just right.

The feeling of his skin where it met mine was sending constant waves of calm and there were tiny sparks of attraction dancing between us, like each dance move was carefully choreographed to jump from one to the other without stop, reminding us of the other's presence.

The silent ambiance of Yoongi's bedroom was overwhelming and it allowed me to wallow in my own thoughts for far longer than I probably should be allowed to at this point.

The entirety of last night came back to me like a wave against a badly built sand castle on the beach and it was as if I could see myself crumble second by second remembering. I could feel how my thoughts were trying to pull me under the water. Drown me in the terror of having ruined something so sacred for my soulmates.

My mind was spinning, looking for a connection, looking for someone, anything, a comfort anywhere I could find it. Yoongi was sleeping soundly underneath me and I couldn't wake him, I had already caused him so much turmoil last night.

Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and I searched within myself, looking for something to hold on to. Something to stop me from falling into pieces once again. Stop me from feeling like an unstable menace to society.

And then I felt him.

Like a warm breath of air I felt his soul tug onto mine and a smile danced across my face in recognition.

"Jungkook" I breathed, relief washing through me.

"Hannah! You're here!"

"I'm here. Are you okay?"


"I'm the one who should be asking that, Hannah, I'm so sorry about everything that happened to you last night..."

"Don't apologise please.. What time is it? Where are you?" Just knowing he was with me in my mind immediately calmed me and I felt like I could breathe again, anchoring my breath to Yoongis' where he was still sleeping against me as I kept listening for Jungkook's melodic voice in my head.

"I had to know you were okay before I could sleep. It's almost 5 in the morning."

My heart hurt for him. The peaceful sleep I'd woken from feeling almost selfish while he had stayed awake and worried.

"I'm okay, you can sleep baby, we'll see each other soon"

"They say you'll have to stay there for a while. But I'm coming to visit as soon as I can, we're all worried about you"

Of course. Of course management were finally stepping up and making rules. What else could be expected after things went so to shit as they did. It hurt that it affected them as much as it did me and I hated that they couldn't move around as freely anymore because of it.

"You don't need to worry. I'm okay."

I wasn't sure how true that statement really was.

"Please sleep some, Jungkook. We'll talk when you wake up I promise, you had a long day, you need the sleep. please."

"I couldn't sleep until I'd talked to you. Needed to know you weren't leaving" his words were mumbled, muddy with sleep as if his body was already surrendering to the exhaustion I knew held him hostage.

"I won't leave" I whispered

"You can't leave. I've only just started writing songs about you" and with the last word I felt him falling asleep, no longer available to me. And I once again was left with the silence of the room, but comforted by the words of Jungkook.

Complete Us 2 - The new reality. A BTS ot7 +1 soulmate story.Where stories live. Discover now