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I could feel a cold drop of sweat run down my back underneath my clothes where I stood at the check out in the Chanel store. I'd been pulled back into reality after almost forgetting Yuri was waiting for me when her sweet voice and rapid knocks interrupted the panic steadily growing within me surrounding the soulmates in a public bathroom issue. Yoongi and Jimin were left in there, my confidence faltering by the second in Jungkook getting us out of this mess without making it onto some sort of news channel.

"Leave them there, go out and pretend like nothing ever happened. I have a plan" was what he told me. Now it had been about 10 minutes, and I'd picked up a pair of earrings and a bracelet as well as Jimin's necklace, just to give Jungkook some more time. But I was pushing my luck and the saleswoman's patience. Aimlessly walking around the shop trying not to look too closely at the price of things before pointing at them to say I wanted to try them on.

Yuri's confusion was apparent on her face, her eyes were constantly on me trying to find any explanatory gestures, and her arms wrapped around her torso uncertainly like she'd caught me slipping and was worried. I felt bad that I couldn't tell her what was going on, but I was very happy she wasn't making a big deal of it in front of the strangers in the store.

"Do you trust Yuri?"

FINALLY Jungkook was back.

"What? why are you asking that?" I asked, surely there were more important things to talk about right now instead of my blooming friendship with the kind café worker.

"Do you trust her? Is she trustworthy? If she sees me, will she freak out and tell everybody?"

That made me stop and think. If she sees him? Was he going to come in here and get Jimin and Yoongi himself?

I'd thought about the level of trust I could expect from Yuri, sure, making a friend close enough to share my whole life with is definitely a fantasy that had risen within me as soon as I realised all parts of my relationship with my seven soulmates would have to a certain extent stay hidden. But this wasn't even an established friendship. I didn't know Yuri well enough to know anything for sure. She was kind, funny, spoke my language well, opened her life and her time to get to know me. And I'd consider myself someone smart enough to see if someone new in my life is there because they're genuine or not. And with all my secrets still being secret, there doesn't seem to be anything she could have wanted from me in order to lie to me about her intentions in this friendship.

Yuri seems genuine. Yuri seems safe. I want to trust Yuri, to include her in my life. But why was Jungkook asking now?

"I can't promise she won't freak out... but I think I'm confident she won't tell anyone. Why are you asking, Jungkook? This is not the time nor place for this conv-"

"Finish your shopping then. I'm outside."


The gorgeous silver bracelet I'd just asked the cashier if I could try sparkled in the light from the store window and Yuri and I both looked at each other in awe once she brought it forward to us.

"Do you want to try it on your left or your right wrist?" The woman asked and I looked from her and over to Yuri who was eyeing the piece in awe. Immediately i had an idea.

"Actually I don't need to try it after all, I'll take two of that one." I said and couldn't help the smirk that crawled its way onto my face at the thought.

Paying the sickeningly steep price for jewellery I wasn't even planning on buying when i walked in here I asked for one of the bracelets to be put in a separate bag before handing it to Yuri.

Complete Us 2 - The new reality. A BTS ot7 +1 soulmate story.Where stories live. Discover now