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"Well that went better than expected" Jungkook said after a heavy silence had built around us in the car once we'd dropped Yuri off back at her grandmother's café.

I'd tried as well as I could to explain to her what was happening, and why things had progressed like they did. She seemed to be handling it well by the time Jungkook decided to stop driving around random streets and had us heading back towards home. We agreed to meet up sometime next week and she'd promised to keep our secret to herself. All in all I was in a bright and sunny mood about the whole ordeal. Jungkook too had relief written all around him in a dance of yellow and orange.

It was a funny feeling. Controlling reality to a certain extent but never really having a tight enough grasp on it. Anything could have happened turning this situation into something bad. The scenarios I could make up on the spot that would have ended catastrophically are endless. But the self assured feeling of something not going wrong despite half assed planning and general bad luck is strong enough to hold me up roaming the skies for a little while.

I looked around at my three beautiful soulmates as we made our way up the elevator and I couldn't help but smile and just take in how wonderfully content I felt in their presence. Today had probably been the most stressful day I had had in a good while, yet it all seemed to melt away as soon as I could be around these men. My men. My soulmates.

My hand was entwined with Yoongi's and even though our arms were lined up and touching up to our shoulders I felt like we weren't close enough, like I needed to be closer to him for some specific reason but my mind couldn't pinpoint what that specific reason was. He must have felt the same way because in a moment his arms pulled mine with it behind his back and I collided into his side in an involuntary hug that felt like a fresh breath of air against me.

A small content hum escaped his lips where they rested against my hair and I couldn't help but smile as I snuggled myself more into him and closed my eyes, letting the feeling of his body and the smell of his cologne be the only things in my world at that exact moment. Not long after I felt another body against mine as Jimin effectively became a part of our embrace and I could hear the smile in his tone when he shared a short but emotion filled kiss with Yoongi and let his tensions leave him in favour of a soulmates embrace.

It was just an elevator ride, but somehow it was also much more. It was personal, emotional and romantic, yet also somehow common, well known, home. It was home. When will it stop surprising me that they are my home?

"I know you're excluding me on purpose but that doesn't make it feel any more okay to stand on the sidelines like this" Came from beside us where Jungkook was chewing on the inside of his cheek, disappointment apparent in his entire being where he stood, sad from having just been scolded by Yoongi for not thinking through his actions before he does things.

"It's not supposed to feel okay, you're supposed to feel bad right now. You did something stupid"

"Hyung, how come you're not blaming Hannah for anything? She's the one who said yes when she knew her card didn't work like normal"

I looked up at Yoongi, feeling slightly guilty and at fault for this whole scheme myself, Jungkook hit the nail on the head with that one and it being spoken out loud like that definitely didn't make it any better to handle.

Yoongi let his gaze fall to me and a soft smile vacated his mouth before he leaned down and captured mine in a kiss that tasted of him and of Jimin.

"Your fault, yours to fix, JK. Deal with it." He spoke without breaking our eye contact once. I felt as if in a trance just looking at him and feeling our soul bond around us. The sound of the elevator doors effectively pulling me out of it and all three of us stepped away from each other.

Complete Us 2 - The new reality. A BTS ot7 +1 soulmate story.Where stories live. Discover now