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Hannah's pov

I could hear a flutter of voices at an increasing decibel coming from the living room of my soulmates' apartment, our apartment. The thought of this being my permanent home as of last night was still a concept that needed getting used to. The relief of seeing my clothes neatly folded inside my suitcase brought a grounding feeling that made everything that had happened seem more real, but thankfully the feeling that followed was one of comfort, knowing I had packed, I'd prepared, I'd willingly put myself into this scenario. I had chosen them and they had chosen me. I wonder how many times I'll tell myself that before I fully believe it.

I'd thrown myself into the shower in the bathroom connected to Jungkook's bedroom hurriedly, washing my body and my hair at a faster speed than I thought was possible for me. Both eager and stressed out of my own mind to meet the members of Tomorrow x Together when I was done trying to look like a regular human being again.

"You're overthinking this, you don't need to put on makeup to see them" Jungkook teased from where he stood by the entry to the bathroom just watching me as I put on a small amount of makeup to feel awake and refreshed.

"I want to be pretty when I see them. This won't just be a 'hi, this is Martin, Yeonjun's soulmate', this will also be a 'oh and by the way this is Hannah, our soulmate' and I am not going to feel insecure about my looks when you drop that on them."

I stared at my self in the mirror, my hair had a slight wave where it was slowly drying after my shower, my eyebrows were slightly tinted and I'd put on mascara and some eyeliner as well as concealed the darkness under my eyes. It wasn't like it was a lot of makeup, but it was a necessity in feeling like I'd woken up and started the day. Looking around my makeup bag I located my favourite blush coloured lip gloss and pulled it out to apply.

"Please don't wear that"

My head snapped towards Jungkook in question to the request. Was he talking about the lip gloss?

The soft cloud of emotions surrounding him held a fluttery pink of shyness mixed with an orange confidence. A strange mix but somehow fitting to the man in front of me.

Jungkook looked down for a second, embarrassed to meet my eyes but looked up again with something else hidden in his gaze. He took the two steps necessary to move him from the entry of the room to right in front of me by the mirror, his eyes not leaving mine.

"I don't like it when my lips get sticky" he spoke just loud enough for it not to qualify as a whisper.

"Just because I wear it doesn't mean you have to" I laughed, then his eyes sparked with that same orange confidence that grew around him as his eyes fell to my lips. His gaze met mine again but this time it was obvious he was asking permission. A flutter in my chest, a warmth in my stomach and the sound of bells in my mind washed through me as I realised he wanted to kiss me again, and instead of vocalising an answer I closed the remaining distance between us and pushed my lips onto his in a sensual kiss.

Being with him like this, close, intimate, emotionally exposed, would never seize to amaze me. The way my body just seemed to melt into his as I kissed him and the cells in my body telling me to stand on my own legs increasingly less convincing as my knees buckled from the mental and physical impact his lips him had on me.

I was falling in love with him. I was falling in love with all of my soulmates. But right now there was just him, his warmth, his emotion, his devastatingly honest look on the world, his careful hands that held me close by my waist, his breath on my tongue, the sound of his muffled moan within the kiss.

"This is so cute, and I'd love to just allow you to be right there and be together, but please come to the living room. We have guests." Jimin's voice ran through my head, and seeing as Jungkook's eyes opened at the same time as mine I knew I wasn't the only one who had received the message.

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