Chapter 1: First Impressions are Ever Lasting

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What the hell am I thinking?

This was insane. Completely and utterly in-frigen-sane.

But where you ever sane to begin with? I mean seriously, let's face the facts here you've been questioning your sanity long before this moment.

And now I'm talking to myself, great, just fine and dandy. I shook my head in an attempt to clear it of all thoughts but froze when I realized that looked like a horse trying to rid themselves of a very annoying fly on a hot summer's day. Just perfect.

So to sum up you're a mentally insane horse with a fly problem?

Shut up, you're supposed to be helping me here! I scolded my inner self as she just leaned up against the wall and casually regarded me as if I wasn't determining our future.

Oh that's right the 'peep talk' we were supposed to be having, right. She smiled at me and mocked an apologetic bow. Breathe Sky, you can do this, just take some deep breaths and - oh look there's an ant on your shoe!

Ant? What? I frowned my brow and leaned forward falling half off the chair from the fastness of my actions and leaving me bent down with my hands on the floor to prevent me from falling any further and my butt beginning to lift up off the chair.

"Skylar Martin?" a feminine voice sounded from just in front of my awkward position.

Quick tell her you were just practicing your yoga, these people love yoga.

"Uh, yes that's me." I stuttered and stumbled over my own words as I quickly jumped to my feet and wavered a little on my tall heels that threatened to break my ankle by the end of the day. I smiled at the middle aged lady in front of me as she regarded me suspiciously. She was very pretty with curly blond hair and crystal blue eyes that I envied as well as a slim figure with just the right amount of curve to it to make it perfectly attractive to the opposite sex.

You remember that long ass lecture mother gave us about first impressions is everything? Yeah well you should have listened more closely.

I closed my eyes briefly as I prayed to whatever mighty deity would listen that I didn't make any more mistakes, that all of my 'issues' and clumsiness would be forgotten here and now and I could at least give a good interview. Perhaps even leave a lasting impression on the poor hopeful I was about to beg for employment.

When I opened my eyes once again I took note of the look of the woman's face; it screamed annoyance and irritation and that is when I realized that I had my eyes closed for longer than I had first considered.

Maybe you should just walk out now, if the interview hasn't even started yet can you only imagine what was going to go wrong when you actually get in there?

I could. The flashes of every possible thing that could go wrong soon flooded my vison, as if playing out like a film in the background just behind the woman who was still waiting for me to collect myself which at this rate would take me to the end of next week.

Focus Sky.

I smiled again at the lady and nodded. Why I had no idea but the uncertainty in her eyes made me feel like a nod was expected of me. She frowned deeply at me and stepped back a little.

Maybe that was wrong move? Ha she probably thinks your some creep now!

I internally rolled my eyes at my inner self and began to follow the poor woman I had permanently scared and creped out over towards the elevators. I entered in after her and she pressed the button that had the gold letters CA engraved on it while the other buttons were plain silver letters and numbers. I pressed my lips together and tried to focus my thoughts and calm down my nervous but it seemed that as always they were getting the better of me.

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