Chapter 14 : Dealing With Business

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It's so big.

I can't believe you went there.

Have you seen it.

Oh I'm seeing it now.

How does all of this fit?

Great interior designing.

The gold carried on through the apartment but the black seemed to end in the elevator. The walls were a soft off white with soft pastel browns and grey scattered around in furnishings, rugs and an occasional feature wall. The hallway you enter through was paved with the same-clouded slippery mirror type tile that covered the ground floor of the hotel.

"Anthony?" I called out as I followed along the hallway, passing the occasional door to my right and the row of pillars that brook the hallway from the lounge room - littered with light brown couches surrounding the large fireplace and television.


"Yeah because I know where that is!" I yelled at him as I hesitantly turned a corner. "Oh."

"Did you need a map?" He smirked at me.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes as I walked towards him. The kitchen was beautiful, light colouring to expand the space and finished to perfection. I sat myself up on the cushioned stool and spun myself around to face Anthony.

"Where is my stuff?"

"In the wardrobe."

I frowned. "Why?"

"Because you are moving in."

"Not now."

He gave me an unbelieving look. "No but you might want to start packing."

"I'll move in when I feel ready and not a moment sooner." I put my foot down - theoretically of course, I couldn't exactly touch the floor sitting on this stool.

Anthony sighed rather audibly. "Fine."

"So, why are we here?"

Yes what are we picking up?

Anthony turned and reached over towards the satchel bag sitting on the counter top. He turned back around and placed a collection of papers down in front of me in two piles.

"What am I looking at?" I frowned as I leaned forward and tried to get a better look.

"This," Anthony pointed to the gathering of papers to my left. "Is the prenup agreed upon by me, my parents and your parents. You should look over it and make sure you're okay with everything in there." He informed me.

"And this," He pointed to the second gathering of papers. "Is our agreement."

I scrunched up my nose as I looked up at him. "Why do you insist on me signing this?"'

I didn't see the point. Everything that was mentioned could be discussed between us, when and if it happens, not now, not when we were still basically strangers to one another.

"Why the need to write it all down?" I expressed my concerns. "We could just discuss it later when we know each other a little more."

"It's for insurance, piece of mind and - "

I cut him off. "Please dear god, don't say convenience."

Anthony's lips twitch upwards in to a small smile. "Fine. I won't."

"What do you mean by insurance and piece of mind?"

"Well the prenup - "

"I meant the other agreement." I interrupted again.

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