Chapter 41: He Who Grounds Her

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The car ride was silent. Anthony didn't even try to push me into conversation, and I was grateful for it. Scenarios began running in my head. Did he fall off a ladder? Did a car hit him? Bashed within a inch of his life because of gambling debuts? The more I thought about it the more my stomach flipped. My heart raced and a wave of dizziness took over. I was scared. What if he died? What was the last thing I said to my father? I couldn't even recall but I doubt it was something nice and sentimental.

The car came to a stop as we entered the hospital car park and Anthony turned off the ignition. I didn't make a move. A part of me wanted to just stay in here, not go any further. What if he looks different? What if he...

There were too many thoughts running through my mind that somehow, all of the voices stopped. I smiled. They're not talking. Nothing but silence. It's pure bliss.

"Sky," Anthony held my hand. He had gotten out of the car and opened my door, leaning down to my level as he took my hand.

"I don't want to go in." I told him, my voice a little shaky.

"That's okay," His voice was light and I genuinely believed his words. "We can stay here, we can go inside. We can do what ever you want. It's up to you."

I turned my head to face the building. It was different from the last time I was here. More modern after their construction work was finished and an extra wing was added to the back of the building. I took a shaky breath. Would I regret not going in? I didn't even know how bad it was. It could be just a scratch. He could be fine. I nodded firmly forcing myself to believe it. "Okay, Let's go."

Anthony gave me a supportive smile and took my hand, letting me squeeze it until it turned numb. I don't know when he became my lifeline. But somewhere, somehow, he had become my anchor, the one holding me to the ground when my wanted me to float away. And right now, I wouldn't ever let go.

When we arrived at the room, I saw my sister Jasmine sitting on a chair in the small waiting room asleep, her neck bent at an uncomfortable angle and her mouth drooling slightly. She was dressed in her school uniform and by the looks of things; she had been trying to study when she fell asleep.

Charlene exited the door as we took a step closer. The look on her face was that of annoyance, with a hint of concern. But nothing more. "Sky," she approached me and quickly gave me a hug. I let go of Anthony for the first time since the car and embraced her.

"What's wrong, what happened?" I asked quickly, feeling that sickness return in my stomach.

"Jasmine got home from school and found him in his car with the ignition on and a pipe running the exhaust back into the car."

My mouth fell open. "Doctors said he had attempted an overdoes as well but he hadn't taken enough for it to be lethal."

"Jasmine found him?" I felt sick. I glanced over at my little sister asleep on the chair. I was already scared, watching my mother die. But I was young, I didn't know.

Charlene nodded her head, her eyes glistening with anger. And now I understood. Charlene wasn't angry at my father for the act of attempting suicide, but merely because he did it at home where their seventeen year old daughter had found him. "I was at work trying to earn enough money to keep the bank from foreclosing on the house because of his mistakes," she pointed back to the room, her tone rising. She was fuming. "And then I get a call from my baby girl crying, trying to tell me what happened." She shook her head. "The doctors had to give her a sedative she was a mess. I'm going to take her home now."

"I'll help you take her to the car." Anthony offered straight away, knowing full well Charlene would struggle on her own.

"Thank you." She smiled at him.

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