Chapter 32: The Embellishment of the Pillow wall

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I was curled up on the straw arm chair back in our room with a book I had been meaning to read for a while. The soft push of the ocean onto the sand was a calming background sound as the words started to roll off the page.

Our moment in the mud spa had ended in a few cheeky comments for Anthony which earned him a mud pie in the face - which was basically me throwing the mud at him. Honestly, I hadn't meant to aim for his face but I was overly satisfied with the result all the same. This didn't end well for me however as Anthony started throwing mud back at me until we were ordered out of the mud spa by the retreat staff who were muttering their displeasure at our childish behaviour as they demanded us out of the spa.

With our time in the spa cut short, we were both enjoying the rest of our day with free time. I had decided to catch up on my reading while Anthony hunted down some reception and answered a few calls that had popped up over the last few days.

I was absorbed in my book when I felt the sudden burden of a heavy breath over my shoulder. Anthony had returned from his reception hunt. I rolled my shoulders and shifted the book away from his eye-line, hating the feeling of someone reading over my shoulder. His warm breath only inched closer to get a better look at the book I was trying to hide. My skin rippled in bumps running a delightful shiver down my spine and a warm blush across my cheeks. My body suddenly became very aware of his body heat, the closeness of his arms, crossed, leaning against the back of the chair. His lips next to my ear.

"I hate it when people do that." I rolled my shoulder once again and squirmed in my seat.

"When people do what?" His voice was husky and his chest vibrated against my back sending a small thrill through my body.

"That." I breathed, my eyes still on my words but my mind far from reading them.

"You mean this?"

I didn't have time to be confused by his cryptic words before his lips pressed against my neck. My head titled slightly, automatically. His lips left a gentle kiss on my skin that felt alive with an erratic buzz, spreading through my veins.

"Or this?"

Another kiss, this one further up my neck on the tender untouched flesh just below my jaw. My head pushed back into Anthony's chest as I let him kiss me. This kiss wasn't as gentle as the last, his tongue ran along my skin while I could feel the light pressure of his teeth brushing against me. My body jumped to attention. My mind swirled waiting in anticipation. But with a another light kiss, Anthony pulled away.

I sucked in a tentative breath. I closed my book and tucked it into the side of the armchair before I finally built up the courage to face him. He had pulled back, but only slightly, his eyes like dark dying suns as they darted around my face, boring into my own eyes and searching for a reaction. I had many reactions, and none of them clear.

Kiss him. My inner-self screamed at me.

Smile politely and leave. Make him earn it. Make him respect you. My inner woman added.

Leave. Another voice said.

Oh my god he likes you! This of course was my inner pride who teamed up with my self-esteem.

But, How did I feel? What did I want?

I supposed it was all of those things. After all. All the voices inside my head were me. I lifted my hands and cupped Anthony's face, drawing him closer towards me. Pressing my lips against his, I kissed him back. Anthony didn't linger and pressed himself closer towards me, his body now hovering over my sitting form and leaning down kissing me. His lips were soft but his kiss was hard. Hungry for more and eagerly sucking on my bottom lip as I tried to breath between kisses.

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