Chapter 10: The Dinner Date from Hell

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"Are you sure this is the right move Sky?" Jessie asked me for the third time as she picked up one of my necklaces and walked back over to me still struggling to straighten my hair.

"Yes." I breathed out in a sigh. "It's just a date."

"I know but I am just making sure you know what you're doing, that's all."

I was still a little unsure if this was cheating or not, but there was no emotional connection between Anthony and I so even if he did find out, he wouldn't be mad or angry. Would he?

You're second guessing yourself again.

I closed my eyes and tried to steady my thoughts. No. I was doing this.

Taking a deep breath I opened my eyes and looked over my reflection. My hair was as straight as it was ever going to get with a small kink at the bottom, my face held a natural foundation and my eyes were framed by mascara and eye liner. I didn't bother trying to do some Smokey eye look with my eye shadow, I had minimal hand eye coordination and just too even attempt would surely end in disaster.

"Here," Jessie handed me a necklace. "Wear this one, it suits you the best." She padded my shoulder and then left me alone in my room to go and plan her lessons for next week's classes. Jessie didn't approve of anything I have done in the last few days. She didn't like the agreement I made with my father and step mother, she didn't like the fact that I was going to marry a man I barely knew and I highly doubted she approved of this so-called date I was about to go on with Xavier.

I looked at the necklace she chose and smiled. It was my favourite necklace. A simple diamond the size of a small finger nail hanging from a thin silver chain. This one piece of jewellery summed me up perfectly.

Pulling the necklace on around my neck I flicked my hair back, over my shoulder and stood up from the chair. Walking over to my bed I untied my dressing gown and let it fall to my ankles in a heap pile.

I picked up my dress and stepped into the silky material. It was a beautiful dress and one that I bought and not Charlene and her chokingly tight corsets. The dress was a black halter neck, with a v chest line. It clung nicely to my breasts and stomach only to fan out as it came to my curves and lower stomach - the entire ensemble falling to just above my knees. Simple but still classy and cute - just right for me.

Pulling on my ring and ear rings to compliment the necklace, my phone stated to ring and Xavier's number came up again making me smile.


"Hey Sky. I'm parked outside."

"Okay, I'll be down shortly." Hanging up the phone I slipped into my small silver heels and grabbed my cream bag with silver finishing's. Okay I'm ready.

Saying a quick goodbye to Jessie I rode the elevator down to the ground and walked out of the building seeing Xavier leaning against his blue sedan in a light shirt and a pair of dark coloured jeans. Smiling I walked over to him, his eyes brightening as I caught his attention.

"You look amazing." He greeted me as I stopped in front of him, he leaned in, placing his hand on my back and leaned in, kissing my cheek sweetly.

"You don't look so bad yourself." I smiled at him.

Xavier opened the passenger side door for me and held my hand whilst I slipped into the seat - not so elegantly - before he rounded the car and slid into the driver's seat. We drove the short distance to a small restaurant in the centre of the city, it was a quaint place. We entered through the outer section that was sheltered under a roof of vines and held wild flames on troches in between the tables. Walking inside were it was warmer I noticed it resembled more of a pub and immediately liked the place that much more. We were seated in the middle of the room - much to my dismay and begging to be seated in one of the booths in the back of the restaurant - and given the menus to browse.

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