Chapter 44: The After Life

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Darkness. Pure blackness, every inch of it surrounding me. I could no longer tell which way I was facing, could no longer feel the air brush my skin or even tell if I were standing or sitting. I tired to move but failed to feel the strain of my body as it carried the movement. I tried to look down at my body but couldn't seem to find it. I couldn't see my own hands, my nose poking out, my lips pouting. Nothing, only the black abyss spread out before me. Maybe it wasn't spread out, maybe that was the problem, maybe there was something over my eyes keeping me from seeing anything but black?

Or maybe your dead. You did get shot you idiot.

I rolled my eyes - if I still had eyes to roll. Of course my inner self wouldn't leave me alone even when I'm dead.

Be grateful you got company! She scolded me. She was the only voice though. The other voices that seemed to speak for an emotion were all gone. There was no compassion or pride, no self-pity. Just my inner self and me.

Which is basically you, without a filter.

I huffed in frustration although, I didn't feel myself draw in a big breath, or even feel any air pass through my nose.

Well, if we are dead than the after life better get entertaining real quick or I'm going to hurt someone.

I couldn't see her but I knew she was pouting with her arms crossed. But for once I fully agreed with her. Where was the bright light and passed family member's there to lead me into whatever laid beyond? And why did I have no feeling or control over my body - where was my body? And why was there only darkness? Why could I not see what was happening after I passed? I wanted to haunt the hell out of my father for killing me!

We got ripped off. Did we need to book in advanced? Is that how this thing works?

I felt anger boil within me. This was not how I wanted this evening to go. I was meant to tell Anthony I loved him, most likely have romantic dinner and perhaps even have a bit of fun. Then I was going to sign off on all the wedding arrangements and get married in two weeks. I was most certainly not meant to be floating around in a dark abyss with no one but my inner self for company!

Chillax woman. It could be worse.

How could it possibly be worse?! I think death is pretty much as low as you can go!

My inner self made a noise and retreated from me, leaving me in the silence that was quickly consuming me.

This sucks!

I wasn't sure how long I was alone for. How long I waited, but after what felt like an eternity, there was a sound. A small tiny little sound that would have gone unnoticed if I weren't surrounded by silence. I willed myself to turn in that direction and hoped - prayed - that my invisible body did what I asked. I stayed still, not daring myself to breath or even have a thought and I'd miss it. After another length of time, I heard it again. It was hard to describe. Like the tiny flutter of an insects wing, or the distant chirp of a baby bird. But it was still a sound - and right now, I would take anything. I pushed myself towards it, hoping that my body would somehow find its way towards it.

I began counting the second in between each noise. 120 seconds was between the second and third noise. Then 103 seconds. Then 68 seconds. The closer I got the more frequent they became, and the louder the sound became. The sound didn't belong to the flutter of an insect's wing or even that of a baby bird, it was merely a beep. A steady, basic beep that sounded rather familiar.

What was that?

It was now very frequent with only 5 seconds in between each beep.

Hello! I tried to call out, but my mouth wouldn't move.

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