Chapter 45: Happily Ever After

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What the hell am I thinking?

This was insane. Completely and utterly in-frigen-sane.

Sky, honey, I thought we already established your level of sanity months ago.

I took a deep breath and nodded.

Although, my inner self began again. If we were to compare your sanity level from now, to before when you were still unemployed and seconds away from hitting your now-fiancé in the nose with your handbag and burning his groin, would you be more or less insane?

I gulped. I don't think I want to touch that thought with a ten-foot pole.

Well then lucky there's no ten-foot poles around!

My cheeks reddened and my body felt like it was on fire. I waved my hand in front of me trying to cool myself down.

Defiantly more insane than before. My inner self concluded.

"Sky are you ready?" Jessie gushed behind me. She was flushed, her cheeks bright red and out of breath. "We are already late as it is!"

Jessie rushed past me in a blur of purple. Her dress a beautiful rich purple, a simple navy blue lace pattern stretched across the bodice to match the men's suits, with light skirts - nothing too elaborate that it would make it hard to sit down or dance. Her heels were bright silver, which matched her jewelry and hairpins, holding her hair in wicked curls.

"The bride is never late, everyone else is simply early." I smiled, twisting a quote from one of my favourite movies.

"Sky, I swear I am going to drag you down that isle kicking and screaming if you don't hurry your ass up!"

Does she seem mad to you?

I pondered the question, tilting my head and taking another look at Jessie.

"Skylar!" She screamed at me one last time. "Move!"

Oh yeah, she madder than a hatter.

My eyes widened in surprise and I quickly stood from the vanity table in my childhood bedroom. My hair was perfectly curled and pined back in a large up-do with a few stray strands perfectly placed to fall down over my neck and face. Perl pins were scattered in my hair making it glisten in the light. A professional had freshly applied my make up - light and natural with a dark brown eyeliner to make my eyes stand out. My lips were a beautiful soft pink, although, at the rate I kept licking my lips, the colour would hardly last until the ceremony.

"I don't know what you're whining about, I'm ready to go."

Jessie paused abruptly. Her eyes blinking rapidly as her mouth opened ever so slightly.

She's speechless! Yeah, that's how good I looked.

"So you're going to walk down the isle like that?" She raised her eyebrows and gestured towards me.

I opened my mouth to say yes when I glanced down. I wasn't wearing my wedding dress. Instead I was dressed in my new lingerie that I had bought for today and my over-sized t-shirt that I had slept in last night.

If you walked down the isle like that, well that would be a wedding to remember!

"I'll just put my dress on." I quickly held up a finger, indicating that I'd only be a moment.

I ran into the wardrobe and quickly pulled out my wedding dress covered in plastic.

Could you imagine if it doesn't fit?

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