Chapter 11: You're Place, or Mine

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Anthony joined me barely a minute later, holding a few drinks in his hands. I looked at the drinks and smelt the vodka and lemonade. Scrunching up my nose I took three of the four drinks and slowly began sipping them while Anthony just rolled his eyes and steered the other drink.

"How long have you been here?" I asked him after a long sip.

"I was watching you when you walked in if that is what you we're asking."

"And you just watched me, the entire time."

"Pretty much."

"Then, why not come in earlier?" I questioned in confusion.

"I was going to let you have some fun." He shrugged and took a big sip of his drink.

"And then you spontaneously decided to crush it like a bug?"

"No," he dragged out the word as his eyes darkened slightly. "He was looking for the check and by the look in his eyes, he wasn't taking you to your apartment any time soon."

Really? Wow, I didn't think he was interested in getting physical just yet.

"And what's it to you?" I frowned wondering why he intervened. I had only done it earlier because I wanted to teach him a lesson about that wedding ring he wore but I wasn't wearing one.

"As you put it, I want to remain problem free in that area." He smiled at me.

Oh he's good.

I rolled my eyes but his mention of the sexual transmitted Diseases sparked my curiosity. "Have you had an STD before?"

He raised his eye brow at me, slightly amused. "What? I am you 'fiancé' I have a right to know."

Anthony held up his hands in defence and nodded. "Yes, I was young and learnt my lesson very quickly." He admitted honestly.

"Ewe." I frowned and showed my disgust.

"Oh relax it wasn't that bad. I got a phone call telling me I needed to get tested so it was before any of the symptoms actually showed up and a few tablets and an injection later, it was gone."

"Still gross."

"Yeah, yeah whatever," he waved me off and finished his drink in another big gulp. "So how many guys have you been with?"

Well, that was a bit blunt wasn't it?

"This is getting a little too personal." I looked down nervously at my drinks. When did I drink two?

"Oh no you don't!" He leaned forward and gripped my chin with his thumb and forefinger, tilting my head up he forced me to look at him. "I had to answer the personal question, so do you."

I sighed deeply. "Don't laugh." I warned him.

"I promise." He nodded towards me as he got comfortable.

"Two." I admitted.

Anthony smiled. "And, how long did these relationships go for exactly?"

"Six months."

He laughed, loudly.

"I hate you."

He pushed his lips together in an attempt to stop himself from laughing further. "You said that already." He said still chuckling. "Relax babe, I don't judge, it just means I probably have more to teach you than you can teach me."

I swallowed hard, my body tingling with the thoughts of what he could actually teach me. Looking up at his sinister smirk I saw that he was reading my expressions all too well. Shit, his onto me.

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