Chapter 16: The Uncontrollable Run of a Mouth

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I groaned and threw my head into my pillow as my phone started yelling at me. "Warning!" It screamed. "Warning!"

My new ring tone for Anthony was becoming more of a nuisance than I first thought. Maybe I should change it to trickling water falls - that would send me straight to sleep.

Or make you really need to pee.

You're right. No water sounds.

Or thoughts...

Oh great, now I need to pee. I pouted with the realisation that I had to get out bed to get to the toilet.

If only the bladder could just get up and walk itself there.

That would be easier.

All hail the intelligent bladders!

"Warning! Warning!" The phone continued.

"Damn it." I reached out and picked up the phone as I started to climb out of bed.

"Does your mentally ill mind know how to pick up a phone?" Anthony sneered on the other end.

"Shut up! And I am not mentally ill. I am mentally quirky!" Not that there was anything wrong with illness', I just didn't want to give him an excuse for printing out a label and glueing it to my forehead while I slept.

"Babe, quirky implies that there is a cuteness to it. You are anything but that."

"I'm hanging up now." I pulled the phone away to hang up when I heard his muffled yelling.

Why did you tell him? You are supposed to just do it and say the phone cut out. Idiot.

Next time.

Throwing my phone back on my bed, I got up and decided a toilet break was much needed.

It was only seconds before my phone started again.

This guy needed to learn to take a hint.

Or at least not to interrupt a girl while she's peeing!

Rolling my eyes I finished up and decided I would take my time, before I answered my phone, maybe I will get dressed and do my hair first?

Brushing the bed knots out of my hair I pulled it back over one shoulder and slipped into my leggings and grey top - not thinking much of my outfit since I wasn't going anywhere today.

"Warning! Warning!"

"Oh for the love of god." I cursed and picked up my phone. "Take the hint."

"I'm down stairs." Anthony quickly blurted out.

"What?" I frowned in confusion. "Why?"


"Okay well good for you. How about you stay down there and I'll stay up here. Win win situation." I smiled even though he couldn't see me.

"Skylar, I would appreciate it if you could come down for a moment." He was making an effort to keep his tone as neutral as possible.

I frowned. "Why?"

"Because I asked nicely."

"Will we be getting into a car?"

"Yes." He dragged out the word slightly.

"Will we be driving to a lake so you can kill me?"

"if only." He muttered next to the phone - not meaning for me to hear it - before he cleared his throat. "Of course not Babe, I would just love some company for the day, maybe even some lunch?"

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