Chapter 28: Missteps and Shakey ground

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It turns out, I am not a good flyer - who would have thought?


You're being dramatic. I pouted at my inner self as she glared at me disapprovingly. She still hasn't gotten over our small drinking venture last night and seemed to be hungover enough for the both of us, while I only had a small headache from my fall from bed.

You're a socially anxious, claustrophobic nut job who is afraid of heights and trapped in an airtight metal plane traveling far above the clouds. She said in a rant making my face drop with the sudden realization of where i was just in case i forgot - and apparently, I had.

Panic began to rise and boil in my blood while my chest began to restrict my breathing. My eyes darted around the plane. Despite first class' spacious aisle ways and seats, I began to feel like everything was closing in on me.

My job here is done. I'm going to bed.

Standing up from my seat I quickly flew down the plane's first class aisle way and pushed my way onto Anthony's seat, forcing him to push himself up against the wall.

"Sky, what the hell?!" He pulled off his headphones and gaped at me with a clearly unimpressed look in his eyes.

Anthony had made a scene when we first boarded the plane and demanded to be seated at least five seats down from me. This of course made no difference to me.

"Are we there yet?"

"Yes we are, why don't you walk out the door, if you notice it's a little difficult to breath and you're falling just flap your arms and hold your breath." He rolled his eyes.

I gently slapped his shoulder to scold him for such a rude remark. "Don't be mean. I'm having a hard time over here."

Anthony sighed deeply as his eyes quickly scanned me. Anthony's shoulders dropped as he began taking in my rigid and anxious demeanor with my wide eyes and my teeth hungrily devouring my bottom lip. "Try sleeping Sky. It makes it better." He spoke in a softer voice, obliviously attempting to sooth me in his own way.

My inner self took note of his attempt.

"How can you sleep when the plane is jumping around the sky like a bad ride." My eyes widened even more. Briefly, the image of my eyes popping out of my skull passed across my consciousness making me re-think the eye-widening.

"Close your eyes and pretend you're own a boat." Again, he offered another solution.

"I get sea sick remember!"

Anthony sighed again, clearly at a loss. "I don't know what to tell you Sky."

I huffed out a big gulp of air and blew my fringe out of my face as I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned into the seat, a little perplexed.

"Babe, I get that you're freaking out right now but do you think you can move off my seat. The seats in first class aren't that big."

I turned to face Anthony in all seriousness. "Are you saying I have a big butt?"

"Yes it's huge, now go throw a tantrum over there."

His attempt to be nice and supportive, now long forgotten.

I stood up from my seat - well, typically it was Anthony's seat - and rested my arm over his chair before leaning in slightly. "Hey Babe," I started catching his attention with the use of the common descriptive. "You have a fat head and ears that could get better reception than my phone." I smiled and brought my fingers to my lips, quickly blowing him a kiss goodbye and making my way back towards my designated seat.

LustrousTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon