Chapter 2: The Flooding of Warm Liquids

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I slid into the cab and told the driver my address, quickly before scolding myself in the back seat. There was no way I was even in for a chance with that interview which was a real shame since I was beginning to feel excitement for starting a job that wasn't anywhere near my father's company which involved a lot of boating and importing cars.

Never mind your own selfish desires, you brutally assaulted a man! Sure it was funny as hell for me but isn't your conscience eating at you?

I paused to pounder for a moment. My inner self was right. I had broken Mr Renner's nose and burnt his groin with coffee in the matter of seconds after he accused me of being mentally ill. Where the hell was my conscience?

Oh I found her! She's busy painting her nails.

Maybe there was something seriously wrong with me.

I wouldn't go so far as to say that I had voices in my head egger to cause immediate destruction to my life but I had attentional issues that meant I often spaced out and got caught up in each and every train of thought that passes through the station that is inside my head. Which occurred every, say, ten seconds?

Maybe mother should have gotten me tested after all.

The cab came to a stop at my home address and I quickly slipped out of the small sedan styled taxi and paid the man, leaving him a five dollar tip. I lived on the edge of the city in a rather spacious studio apartment with my flat mate Jessie Maynard who was a practicing artist when she wasn't busy trying to kill the little kids at the Primary school she is employed in. I smiled as I began walking up to the elevator.

As I quickly walked into the elevator my smile only widened at who was also ridding it. Joshua Miles, the hot hunk of a man who lived across from us.

Ah how thy day brightens at the mere sight of his lovely smile and sparkling brown eyes.

I tried to be seductive.

Leaning against the wall of the elevator I smiled at Joshua and rested my arm on the railing while I flicked my head back to let my auburn hair fly back and frame my face with it's crazy curls since I had let it loose from my bun on top of my head.

Hello hot stuff, would you like to push me up against the wall, hold my hands above my head and kiss me with so much passion you might melt the milky flesh off my bones? Huh? Would ya?

"Whoa!" I screamed as my foot slipped on the freshly cleaned floor and my body came crashing down to the ground, falling in a lump heap with my head colliding with the railing.

And as always Sky you have yet to surprise me. A two year old can stand up better then you can.

"Hey, Sky are you okay?" Joshua asked, his voice full of concern as he helped me up by grapping my waist and gently lifting me off the ground letting the front of my body get a full feel of his immaculate chest.

I stand corrected. This was a great idea, it's like drowning at the beach and kissing a life guard but in an elevator!... and without the water... or the kissing... or... never mind.

I let Joshua pull me to my feet and steady me as he cupped my face while his eyes scanned my body, looking for invisible injuries.

Oh yeah, I am fine as long you don't stop doing what your doing – unless of course you're going to do something a little more pleasurable? In that case take the wheel!


"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine." I nodded as he looked deeply into my eyes.

So pretty! If I was a serial killer I would so kill him just so that I could keep his eyes as a trophy – wait what am I saying?

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