Chapter 8: The Uninvited Guest

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The taxi came to its slow stop just outside my apartment with a loud screech of the brakes. Surely squeaky breaks meant something bad? How is he aloud to even drive the car? Throwing open the door I didn't bother paying the cab driver, after all, he took Anthony's side in that little argument so Anthony can pay him for his loyalty. Slamming the door shut behind me – on Anthony's face – I stormed into my apartment building without so much as a second glance behind me.

Taking the stairs two at a time, I stomped out my building rage and fisted my hands by my sides. There was just something about that man I despised.

Something? You mean the fact that he is a womanizer, a complete jerk, already admitted he sleeps around, refuses to hire people with 'mental issues' and the added fact that he didn't hire you isn't enough to have you swearing to forever hate this man?

Fair point. I – for many reasons – will forever despise this man. I nodded to myself as I clarified my feelings to myself.

Strange how you need to clarify your own feelings... to yourself. Yep, you really do need help.

Rolling my eyes I wondered into my apartment and slammed the door shut behind me, being sure to click in the lock as did so. Biting my lip in annoyance I pulled off my jacket revealing my bare shoulders and threw it on the couch beside the window. Just as I was about to spin around towards the kitchen area of the apartment my eyes caught on a flicker of movement outside making me take a few steps forward. Leaning my head against the cool glass I narrowed my eyes as I saw Anthony standing on the curb, his steady gaze looking over the apartment with his strong disapproval before he fixed the buttons on his jacket and started inward.

"Shit." I cursed to myself as I ran back over to the door and made sure it was fully secured and bolted. There was no way he was getting into this apartment.

Unless he found the spare key.

"You have got to be kidding me." I groaned as I leant up against the door and hit the back of my head.

Yeah. How obvious do you think the awkwardly placed pot plant in an otherwise empty hallway will be? After all the man is supposed to be smart.

The strong shudder of the door as the loud vibration of Anthony's knocking on the door made the obnoxious piece of wood shake and hit me in the back of the head.

"Ow!" I scrunched up my face and stepped forward, spinning around on my heel and holding the back on my head with my hand. Stupid door.

Stupid Anthony for knocking.

"Sky," his loud voice boomed. "Open the door."

Shush. If your quiet maybe he'll think you're not here.

"Skylar I know you're in there!" He shouted, his voice building in both frustration and annoyance. "Open the damn door. Now!"

"Go away Anthony!" I called back as my eyes flickered to the floor where I watched his shadow, anxiously.

"Open this fucken door right..." His voice trailed off mid-sentence as his shadow left my vision – meaning he had stepped away from the door.

I leaned forward and narrowed my eyes at the small gap in the door. Where did he go?

You complain when his there and you complain when he leaves. Make up your mind woman.

Biting my bottom lip I stepped forward and reached out for the door handle when it suddenly turned on his own and the door swung open with a strong force that had me stumbling backwards to avoid being hit. My heels caught on the flat surface and I slipped back landing on the floor boards with a loud thud.

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