Chapter 24: The Gifting of a Diamond

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I do not need to pee. I do not need to pee. I do not - shit I need to pee.

Scrunching up my nose with my pure annoyance at my bladder, I peered one eye open and looked around the room. The curtains were mostly shut with just a corner drawn back to let in enough light to see, the bathroom door was open and the light was on with Anthony's shadow cast on the wall as he woke himself up for work.

The tap turned on and I immediately cursed the sounds of running water. Why? Why do this to me?

Drip. Drip. Drip. My inner self started to whisper in tune with the water.

I groaned and turned over in the bed, laying on my back and staring up at the ceiling. My wall of pillows somewhat remained as I had attacked them during the night and basically threw them all on the floor. Why does everything I go to sleep with end up on the floor? Even as a child, my teddy would always end up either on the floor, somewhere under my bed or conveniently hidden behind my dressing table.

Almost as if it ran away from you.

My mother just used to tell me that Toy Story was real and that my teddies would move by themselves during the night.

I liked the idea.

I smiled at the memory. But, that didn't help me when I still desperately needed to pee.

I have an amazing idea!

I recoiled a little at this amazing idea. My inner self seemed a little too happy with her self - a fact that scared me.

We can break into a hospital with our awesome ninja skills and steal a bedpan, and then next time, we won't have to wake up to pee! We can stay in dreamland all day.

Break into a hospital with our non-existent ninja skills you mean?

Maybe you should sign up for some classes first.

Memories of my pervious self-defence class flashed in my mind.

"Okay so I am going to be the perpetrator, Sky, you defend yourself." The instructor informed me.

No shit, what do you expect her to do, give you her handbag?

I nodded my head took a deep breath. I got this.

I stood there with my back turned and waited for his attack. I have spent the last few weeks learning defensive moves and I was sure I could do this right.

I felt someone grab my bag from behind me and pull hard, hurting my arm.

"Ow!" I screamed as fumbled back from the force, losing my footing and quickly stepping back to stop myself from falling. My heel landed on the instructor's foot making him scream out. My eyes widened at the cry as I realised what I had done. Quickly turning around I tried to apologise. My elbow collided with his jaw as I turned.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry." I quickly apologised. The instructor fell to the floor and groaned, his hands holding his jaw and foot as his skin began to redden.

Well at least you've defended yourself.

By accident!

Sky shut up and take the compliment.

I threw the idea of taking any classes or stealing bedpans out the window as I rolled out of the bed until I fell to the floor.

Lifting myself up off the floor, I walked towards the bathroom and knock on the open door.

"Can I come in?" I questioned as I peeked around the corner.

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