Part 11

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"It's still so hard to believe that this blue dust can make flying dust," James said as Zarina poured the blue dust back into its container.

A drawer directly above the blue dust pushed slightly open, and Tinkerbell and Vidia's heads popped up, watching them.

Zarina jingled as she replied slowly. "Yes, but only if you..."

"Ah." James stood up from his chair and slowly walked to the white-hazed window, Zarina following behind. "So, the secret is the infusion of the blue dust directly into the tree."

Now that the two was far enough across the room, the new tinker fairy, Vidia, who was holding out a makeshift fishing pole, instructed, "Sil, you okay? Start throwing out the line."

Silvermist was on the inside part of the drawer and still looked sick. She reached out to work on a roll of thread.

"Alright. Tink, open the drawer as much as you can."

Tinkerbell pushed the drawer further open.

Vidia threw out a brooch pin, which she had attached to the thread that served as the fishing line. It steadily descended down into the blue dust. "Sil, hold the line!"

Silvermist stopped the thread from its rapid spinning, but it was so abrupt that the pin, now way below them, bumped into the container of the blue dust, making a clinking sound a few times. They looked at James and Zarina, afraid they have heard, but the two were still engaged in conversation.

Vidia started to maneuver the makeshift fishing pole, trying to hook the pin into the blue dust's handle. It did not take long before she was successful. She breathed out, pleased. She pulled the line, ascending the blue dust from its holder. They yelped when the drawer shook down from the weight. Silvermist stumbled forward, and the thread rolled to Vidia, pushing her. Another yelp as the makeshift fish pole fell out.

"Vidia!" Tinkerbell said in alarm, popping back up with a button on her head. Vidia's arms were dangling as the three of them helplessly watched James and Zarina walk back to the table.

"You turned out to be quite the pint-sized prodigy, if I may say." James was saying. The fairies sat down to hide.

Zarina tinkled as she placed a golden lid on the blue dust, closing it securely.

"It's been an adventure and an honor." James continued. He handed the miniature sword to Zarina as she took the blue dust from its holder. "Your sword, captain."

Zarina gave the sword a flip before sheathing it to her side and flying out of the room.

James was about to follow her when he noticed the open drawer. "Hmm."

He pushed the drawer closed all the way, the fairies gasping as they were pushed into complete darkness.


"Oh, no."

Rosetta, Iridessa and Fawn backed up from the door as they heard footsteps coming from inside.

The small door above opened and Zarina came out, the blue dust strapped on her side. The big door followed shortly, James walking out.

The three flew inside the room before the door shut closed. They were immediately met by Tinkerbell, Vidia, and Silvermist.

"Y'all okay?" Rosetta asked.

"Yeah." Tinkerbell said. "They're headed for the tree. Come on!"

They sped out, except for Vidia who noticed the back of Rosetta's head. "Ro, what is up with your ha--"

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