Part 12

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The dwarf  pirate walked down into the cabin and dropped the fairies in a wooden crab trap. "And right." He closed the lid as the lock clicked. He looked at the fairies, laughing, and said, "Perfect fit! Welcome to your new cabin."

An alarm clock rang frantically and he looked back. "Oh, me stock is ready."

As he walked away, Tinkerbell slammed her palms into the even strips of wood that confined them.

It didn't budge.

The pirate knocked the clock off and went to pull out a boiled fish skeleton from a cauldron. "Look at it. Oh, lovely." He held it out to a picture frame of a scraggly woman with only one eye like he did. He said fondly, "That is good eating right there. Isn't it, mum? Yes, it is, darling."

After putting the fishbone back into the cauldron, he sat down on a stool beside a barrel full of potatoes. "Let me see. What shall I have tonight..." he murmured to himself and started cutting the root crops. "Well, I still got some lard and some old cabbage."

The fairies looked at him oddly from their prison, strips of cut potatoes raining in front of them. Rosetta spoke up. "Okay. We need a plan."


Zarina flew toward the blue dust perched on the tree. James followed and leaned on the wide barrel that rose above his waist, looking up with hopeful eyes.

Zarina looked back at him nervously, her hands ready on the levering lid of the blue dust. She said, "Here we go."

The lid popped open and specks of blue dust slid out, one by one, into the funnel below it. The funnel led directly into a huge tube of tree trunk. The whole tree trembled as the blue dust passed through the tube, as if about to explode.

James backed off, and the pirates stopped all their work to see what was happening.

For a moment, the tiny and infinite cracks on the trunk of the whole tree glowed gold, and not long after, pixie dust spurted out from the tip of the tube. It flowed bountily, the barrel below catching it. It was tinkling like a thousand tiny chunks of gold.

Zarina flew in a circle, triumphant.

"Ah. It worked!" James exclaimed and the pirates laughed joyfully. "Yes! She did it!"

The pirates raised their weapons--- axes, swords, bats--- still laughing merrily and exclaiming in success.

"We made it!" James swerved to Zarina. "We're going to fly!"

Zarina laughed and glanced at the flowing dust beside her. "From a trickle to a roar."


The fairies watched intently as the dwarf pirate blabbered gibberish of vegetables. He was carelessly cutting potatoes with his knife, the strips of the vegetable raining all about the room.

"--- some carrots? No--" The potato he was cutting fell from his hand and rolled away. He stabbed his knife on the barrel. "Hey, where'd you think you're going, little fella?"

He laughed as he went to the back of the room, searching for the runaway potato under crates.

"Now's our chance!" Rosetta whisper-shouted. "Go, go, go, go!"

The fairies each lifted the edges of the cage and tiptoed towards the same direction, bringing it with them.

"Come on, all together!"

"To the left!"

"I'm going as fast as I can!"


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