Part 14

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"Make ready the sail!"

"Aye, aye, captain."

"I love the life of a pirate," said one pirate as he hauled a barrel on his shoulders. He yelped and jumped on the dock's post when a rat squeaked past him. "But I hate rats," he mumbled, continuing on his way to the ship.

All the pirates had things to do around the place as they prepared the ship for take off. They all did this merrily.

"Oh, the old times. Giving me a good time."


Meanwhile, the door to the ground-cabin opened, a pirate's suit peeking out.

Only the suit. No pirate was wearing it.

Fairies, however...

"See anything?" Vidia asked. She was holding up the hanger that kept the pirate coat upright.

Tinkerbell lifted the wide pirate hat, hovering just above the coat. "Nope! All clear up here."

"Well, it's not clear down here," Rosetta complained, jumping out of a pirate shoe. "It stinks!"

Fawn popped out of the other pair of shoe. She leaned on it, saying excitedly, "I know. Isn't it great? Smells just like skunk!"

"Huh. Spoken like a true animal fairy."

"I wish."

"Okay, you guys." Vidia's voice was hushed. "Remember, right arm, left foot. Got it?"

"Got it."
"Aye, aye."

"Sil, I'm right, you're left," Iridessa said. She was inside the right sleeve of the coat.

"Right!" Sil agreed from the left sleeve.

"No, left."

"I mean, left."


"And you're right."

Vidia, exasperated, stopped the back-and-forth of confusion. "Ugh, let's go."

"Aye, aye!"

The door to the cabin swung open as the ensemble of a pirate walked out, maneuvered by, none other than, the fairies. The 'arms' swayed, the coat and hat stood proudly, and the shoes matched its pace, thudding on the wood.

The ensemble walked straight into a pole.



"Big pole!"

"Back, back, back."

The coat pulled back from being planted on the pole. The shoes hopped back toward the coat they left behind. Once again, the 'pirate' was in perfect shape.

"Forward, forward, forward..."

"Work faster!" the muscular pirate shouted at another pirate as the ensemble passed in front of him. He called to it, "Hey! Openheimer!"

The ensemble froze on its tracks, its back on the pirate.

"Don't forget the kippers," the muscular pirate said and laughed.

The right sleeve of the coat reached up into a salute. Then it continued on its way.

Only to be intercepted again as it skipped through the dock. A skinny pirate hooked his arms on the other pirate's "arms" and bounced around each other in a merry, little dance.

"Arrr! We're gonna fly, mate! We're gonna fly!" the skinny pirate exclaimed, still skipping in a circle, bringing the ensemble with him.

"It's a doe-si-doe!" Rosetta hopped with the shoe, keeping up with the pirate.

"I can't dance!" Fawn and her shoe lay amidst the bouncing feet, unmoving.

With one last bounce around, the pirate released the arm and continued on his way.

The fairies sighed in relief, but gasped again as a plump pirate gaited toward them. He was carrying a paddle that extended on both his sides, surpassing the width of the dock. The paddle was topped with a small sack of whatever, and it's taller than him, so he couldn't see his way.


"Look out!"

The right pad of the paddle hit the middle of the coat, and the pirate unknowingly pulled it with him just as Vidia, Silvermist, and Iridessa pulled out of it.

"Fly!" Vidia exclaimed.

Tinkerbell abandoned the hat, and the shoes hopped a few more times before bumping into a raised ledge, Rosetta and Fawn swinging out.

"Come on!"

Golden trails of light- that is, the fairies- sped toward the pixie dust tree.

"Hurry up!"

"Okay." Silvermist popped the lid of the blue dust closed at the bottom, stopping the flow of blue dust.

Tinkerbell lifted it off the holder. "We got it."

The flow of pixie dust from the tree halted as the fairies flew towards the entrance of the skull, bringing with them the blue dust.

"Return that blue dust!" James shouted, and the fairies stopped and looked back. James was standing on the platform on the tree, holding the lamp-holder Zarina was in. He held it out towards the water several feet below. "Or your friend is done for."



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A bit shorter than usual, bear with me. :)

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