Part 3

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Zarina tapped the weighed leaf on the side and the leaf curtain in front of her rolled up. The small house was lit up by the rays of sun passing through the window. She momentarily looked at the open bag of pixie dust on the table, her experiment book placed beside it, then slumped on a chair.

She flicked at the book, which has various experiment procedures that involved pixie dust. Other ingredients were also written and drawn on every page. She flipped through its pages with dismay. "No result, no result, no result! Ugh!"

She had saved her rations of pixie dust to use them on her experiments, which was why she spent everyday walking. Her previous experiments with it had been fruitless, though.

She thumped the book close, disappointed. She dumped her head down at the table, and a grain of glowing blue dust gently fell down from her head.

She leaned back and stared at the lone grain that now resided on top of the book. Turning her head towards the equipments on the side, she hummed in thought.

She opened the book again and traced the illustration of a flower with her hands, reciting all the way, "Two parts sunflower seed, a dash of moon flower..."

Using a sharp, pointy metal, she snapped out a tiny chunk of blue dust from the speck. If a speck of this dust was barely the measurement of a grain, then this chunk was more miniscule.

She shoved three sunflower seeds onto a wide shell full of pixie dust, then dashed a scoop of orangey liquid, which must be the moonflower instructed on the book. After crushing and pestling it with a mortar, she transfered the mixture into a shallow pot. Eyeing the chunk of blue dust carefully, she picked it up using a pair of metal pincers. She dropped it into the mixture.

Her eyes widened when the mixture flowed out of the pot the moment the blue dust hit its surface. It turned into an orangey color, and she clasped her hands together below the overflowing orange dust. She gasped again, seeing the dust now had covered her hand.

Standing up, she looked at the rays of sunlight passing through the window. She slowly held her hands towards the rays, and the rays instantly spread and bended in various directions. She gasped in amazement.

To check if its the dust's doing, she patted her hands together to get rid of the orange dust. Now that it was dust-free, she once more held her hands towards the rays, but nothing happened. Her hands passed through it like it normally does.

Realizing this, Zarina laughed and spun around with her hands in the air, exhilarated. "It worked!"


Due to the rapid knocks on her door, Tinkerbell, a talented tinker fairy who has quite a temper, opened her door even with binoculars on her blonde head. It seemed like she was in the middle of tinkering when someone decided to visit her.

"Oh! Hey, Zarina," she greeted. "Uh, what brings you—?"

Zarina barged in her house, not letting her finish her question. She looked rather lively and excited when she spoke in an animated and a rather speedy manner, "Tinkerbell, here, remember how you were the first one to use lost things and everyone thought your were kind of crazy?"

Shutting the door closed, Tinkerbell walked forward and implied in amusement, "I believe Fairy Mary call them junk.

"Exactly!" Zarina exclaimed. "But now even she uses them and tinkering is better than ever!"

"Well, that's so nice of—"

Zarina bended over, making Tinkerbell lean back and look at the finger that she pointed at her face.

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