Part 9

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"Guys? I think I broke something," Rosetta called out. The huge egg she crashed on started to crack. When it completely broke off, a pair of big eyes stared at her.

"U-uh," she uttered, standing on the sand as the baby crocodile larger than her size croaked. The green animal started to get on his feet, his eyes focused on the new animal fairy.

Rosetta started to back up as the crocodile continued towards her. "N-nice...little...harmless— Sharp-tooth— hungry— croco—" It roared as it put its arms in the air and plunge at Rosetta in a big, tight hug. "—dile."

Rosetta dangled, squished, as the baby crocodile happily clutched her. "Fawn~!" she called, unsure of what to do.

The former animal fairy ran over. "It's okay! When babies are born, they imprint on the first thing they see." The rather loving crocodile held Rosetta out and kissed her on the face and squished her once more.

"Guys? Sorry to interrupt-" Tinkerbell said, gesturing the cuddly crocodile, "-uh, whatever that is. But the pirate ship is gone!"


"Sil, Fast flyer? Check it out!" Vidia bossed.

Silvermist seemed to just realize that, "Oh! Yeah." She flew up, her swift take-off emitting a sound much like a swishing wind. She struggled to slide to a stop just above the clouds. Looking down to the land and water far below, she flicked her head to search for the pirate ship. It didn't take long for her to spot it.

"Where is she?" Tinkerbell wondered, her hand above her eyes as she looked up to the sky. A purple flash flew down and Silvermist crashed to a plant. She was immediate to face her friends.

"You guys! I saw it— up the coast!" She pointed urgently. "Let's go!" The fairies watched her go as she flew away like her wings couldn't wait. A moment later, she flew back, having difficulty sliding to a stop, and looked at them. "Oh, right, " she said and pointed, "you can't fly; wet wings."

Vidia ticked in confirmation. She looked around. "But still, there's gotta be a way to— ah!" Her face brightened as she spotted something. "Excuse me, Ro." She walked past Rosetta, who had the crocodile petting her, and examined the broken egg shell.

"Hmm... Structurally sound enough," she muttered, mostly to herself, and touched the cracked edges thoughtfully, "strength to weight ratio seems good. If I had some rope—" She suddenly gasped, exasperated. Her eyes were wide as realization struck her.

"You're thinking like a tinker~" Fawn teased.

"Arghhh. Okay, fine." she surrendered, finally accepting that what she's doing was a tinker's work. "Get me some vines."

The fairies looked at Iridessa. "Not a problem," she said and walked down from the rock she's standing on. Everywhere her feet landed on the sand, vines grew. "Will these do?" she asked, her voice muffled by the vines now obscuring her.


Silvermist tightened the vine around her hips, "Okay, ready!"

The fairies were now aboard on the shell, which now looked like a pulling boat attached to the new Fast-flying fairy. It was big enough for them to fit.

"Wait for me!" Rosetta said, dragging her feet free from the crocodile. The crocodile didn't let go and looked contented as it lay on the sand.

"Sorry, I gotta..." She struggled to pull her feet. "Can I please- have that—" She yelped in surprise when the crocodile kissed her on the face. It made her stumble backwards and slump on the shell.


Silvermist didn't waste any time and zoomed away, taking the fairies with her. The crocodile croaked as he was left on the shore.

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