Chapter 3

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ mention of abuse

Scarlett's pov:

"Sweetheart", I continued. "You are clearly hurt, and far from home. Please, at least let me get you some food, and then I can call your parents and they can come pick you up ok?" "No, please don't call him, I'm going to get into trouble again", Y/n begged.

I was confused, but I understood that this wasn't the time to ask questions, as she started backing away from me again. "Y/n, I'm not going to call anyone if you don't want to ok", I reassured her, and that seemed to calm her down a bit.

"Y/n, listen. I know that you don't trust me, but I would greatly appreciate if you wanted to come with me to my place, and I could make us some lunch, how does that sound? You can leave after that if you want to" I wasn't going to let her be out on her own, it wasn't safe, and I just felt something towards this girl, like some sort of parental instinct.

"Thank you so much for your kind offer Scarlett", Y/n said, "but I'll be fine, I don't want to be an inconvenience to you, and you probably have more important things to do than to care for some random girl", she said, which broke my heart.

"Actually, I have the day off today, and you are not an inconvenience to anyone, understood?" I said to her. This startled her, and she quickly muttered: "I'll be fine, don't worry about me."

"Please, it would put my mind at ease to know that you're somewhere safe, even if it's just for an hour", I almost begged. "Umm... ok then", she answered, surprised that I had begged her to come with me. I had surprised myself too, as I didn't know why I cared so much about this teenage girl I had just met on the street.

She followed me back to the apartment i was renting while filming in London. It wasn't as big as my house back in LA, considering i was only here for a few weeks to film, but as soon as we walked in the front door, Y/n was starstruck. "Its not that much, i am only living here for a few weeks for work, i have a bigger house in LA", i said. "It's beautiful". She answered, before noticing a picture of me at a premiere hanging on the wall. I didn't like having pictures of myself around the place, as i didn't want to seem like i was bragging about my job to anyone who came over and it also made me feel kind of narcissistic , but Lizzie had insisted i keep at least one picture of myself up.

Y/n's pov:

I saw a picture of Scarlett Johannson up on the wall, which was a little weird, because it's as far as i know, it's not very common to have pictures of random celebrities up on the wall. Then i looked at Scarlett, and then it dawned on me: it was Scarlett Johannson, my biggest idol, who i had met at the store, and had a panic attack in front of. And i was now standing in her apartment. Great. She saw the realization in my facial expression, and let out a little laugh. "So i assume you know who i am?"

"Doesn't everyone? I'm such a huge fan, i have watched all of your Marvel movies like 5 times." i answered, while trying to figure out how i hadn't realized it was Scarlett Johansson who i had met at the store. Scarlett just laughed, and signalized for me to come further into her apartment. I followed her into the living room, which was beautifully decorated. "You can sit on the couch while i go and make some lunch, how does that sound?" Scarlett asked me.

"Alright, that sounds fine", i smiled. "Is there anything in particular you want to eat, i can make you anything," she continued, as i plopped down on the couch wincing slightly because of my bruised legs and back. Scarlett looked at me with a worried expression on her face, but didn't say anything. "I'll eat whatever thank you", i answered with a slight smile, hoping to stop Scarlett from asking any questions. 

She just nodded, and went to the kitchen to make some food. I sat in the couch for a couple of minutes, trying to find a way to get myself out of this situation. Scarlett would definitely start asking me questions, and when she found out i had no parents and lived at an orphanage, she would call Mr. Williams, and i would be sent back there, and he would beat me up again. Before i could think any longer, Scarlett appeared in the doorway with two grilled cheese sandwiches and two glasses of water.

She handed me a plate and one of the glasses, and we started eating in silence. I was starving and exhausted, so i pretty much inhaled the whole sandwich and the glass of water. I could feel her watching me, and i knew the questions would start to come soon.

After we were both finished eating, Scarlett broke the silence. "Y/n. Do you want to tell me why you don't want me to call your parents, did you run away?" "I don't have any", i muttered under my breath. "I'm sorry, i didn't quite catch that sweetie." And just like that, i began spilling my whole life story on someone i had just met.

"I don't have any parents, they died in a car crash when i was 3, so i live at an orphanage a couple of kilometers away", i began. "The owner, Wr. Williams drinks a lot, and he gets really angry when drunk, and he lets all of his anger out on me", i continued, as tears started streaming down my face. "He will beat me for the smallest things, like yesterday, he beat me for being outside for longer than an hour. I don't wanna go back there, he's going to beat he up again, and i have nowhere else to go", i sobbed, as Scarlett pulled me in for a hug.

I winced again when she touched my back, which she noticed. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry, you don't deserve that", she whispered to me. "I'm sorry, i don't usually cry", i apologized, trying to stop the tears that were running down my face. "It's okay honey, just let it all out", Scarlett comforted me.

I cried in Scarlett's arms for about 10 more minutes, and she held me and comforted me until i calmed down. "Y/n, how about you stay here for the night, and then we can figure out what we do tomorrow ok?" Scarlett said. "You really don't have to do this, i don't want to be an inconvenience-, i began, but Scarlett cut me off.

"Y/n! How many times do i have to tell you, you are not an inconvenience to anyone", she assured me. "You are staying here until tomorrow, end of discussion". I laughed. "Yes ma'am", i replied. "I'm gonna have to take a look at your back, it's clearly bothering you", Scarlett said. "I swear, its nothing, I'll be fine", i assured her, even though that was a lie. My back was burning like crazy, i think that some of the wounds might have started to become infected.

Scarlett noticed that i was lying, and she started walking towards what i assumed was the bathroom. "I said i was-", i tried, but i was cut off again. "You are clearly not fine young lady, and if there is something i can do about it, i will do it, so come with me." I sighed, and followed Scarlett into the bathroom, understanding i had lost.

"Take your hoodie off please honey", Scarlett said. She noticed that i got nervous, and quickly continued. "Sweetheart, i know you still don't quite trust me, and honestly, i don't blame you, but you're gonna have to take your hoodie off in order for me to be able to help you okay?" "Right, sorry", i quickly apologized, and started taking my hoodie off.

I heard Scarlett gasp in horror as my back was revealed. She quickly pulled herself together, not wanting me feeling uncomfortable. She got out some cotton pads and antiseptic solution, and started cleaning my wounds. I winced as the cotton pad hit my back, and i tried really hard not to scream in pain.

Scarlett looked at me again, worried. "I'm so sorry, but i have to-" "Just get along with it, I'll survive", i assured her. She finished cleaning up my wounds, and she put some cream on them. I then put my hoodie back on, and we went back to the couch. Before Scarlett could ask me any more questions, i had fallen asleep, with my head in her lap, as i was exhausted.

She carefully got up, not wanting to wake me up, and went to make a phone call.


So sorry for the cliffhanger!

I will publish the next part 2 days after this one, maybe earlier if someone requests it :D

1539 words :)

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