Chapter 28

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ mention of bruising

Y/n's pov:

After I had finished my breakfast and my tea, I went upstairs to change into workout clothes. I went for a hoodie and leggings because even though my bruises had healed significantly, they were still visible, and I wasn't comfortable showing the cast, or anyone else except Scarlett my body. At least not yet.

I put my hair up into a ponytail and after looking at myself in the mirror to make sure you couldn't see any bruises, I went downstairs to go get myself a water bottle. I had planned to work out today anyway, so the cast challenging me didn't screw with my schedule at all.

Everyone was too occupied with talking to one another to notice me, so I just quickly filled up a water bottle. I approached Scarlett to tell her I was going to go warm up. "Hey mum, I'm going to go warm up now, just tell them to come when ever if they want to", I told her and she smiled and gave me a hug.

"I'm proud of you for doing this, if you at any time feel uncomfortable, just tell me and I'll respectfully tell the to leave", Scarlett told me. I thanked her and left for the home gym.

Scarlett's house had a massive home gym which I had used only once before. As usual, I stared off on the treadmill. I put on my air pods and started blasting some music, it helped taking my mind off things.

I ran for a solid 30 minutes, completely in my own world. I didn't even notice everyone entering the gym to watch me. I did upper body today, completely oblivious to what was happening around me.

After doing some pretty intense work for 45 minutes, I decided to end it on some pull-ups. I did 20 easily, and I decided to push for 30, which I managed without too many problems. After the last pull-up I decided to flip off the bar as a celebration, and I took a large gulp of water before turning around to leave the gym.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed everyone standing by the entrance of the gym, clapping. I took my air pods out of my ears and asked "how long have you been here?"

"Since you were on the treadmill", Chris E. answered.


Pretty much the entire Marvel cast just watched me work out.

I was already insecure about working out in front of other people already.

"That was amazing, I so sorry I doubted you!" Lizzie exclaimed before coming over to give me a hug. "You don't wanna hug me, I'm all sweaty", I warned Lizzie but of course she didn't listen, and she crushed me in a hug.

"I'll be honest, I didn't think you could outrun Scarlett, but I fully believe that now, I think you could even outrun Chris H!" Lizzie exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah, I don't know about that", I answered, everyone knows that Chris H is super fit, I don't know if I could keep up with him. Scarlett was the next person to come and hug me, despite me throwing out yet another warning about my sweatyness.

"I'm proud of you sweetie", she whispered into my ear so that no one else would hear. "Thanks mom", I replied with a smile on my face which made Scarlett's face light up as well.

The next five minutes were spent with me standing ankwardly in the middle of everyone while they all complimented me. I hated being the center of attention so my social anxiety was kicking in, but I managed to push the feeling away and smile and thank everyone.

The only person who hadn't said anything yet was Chris Hemsworth which was quite unusual for him. It looked like he was contemplating asking me something, and eventually it looked like he made up his mind, and he came over to me.

"Umm, hey, can I ask you something?" He asked me, looking pretty unsure of himself. "Yeah of course, ask me anything!" I replied. "Can I maybe challenge you to a pull-up competition? No one here has been able to beat me but looking at you earlier, I think you've got a fair chance", he said.

Did Chris H just compliment me? He said that I had a fair chance at beating him, that has to be a compliment right? I didn't even notice I had zoned out until Chris said my name. "Y/n? You don't have to if you don't want to", he reassured me.

"Sorry, it's not that, I'd love to", I smiled. "Yesss!! Alright, do you want to do it now or later, you must be tired from that workout", Chris asked me. I thought for a while before answering "we can do it now if you want, but if I lose I have to get a rematch because I just did 30 pull-ups."

He laughed and agreed. I thought we were doing this without everybody else knowing, but clearly I was wrong. "Alright everyone, shut up I want to say something!" Chris shouted. " Everyone went quiet and Chris seemed happy with himself for managing to shut everyone up.

"I just challenged Y/n for a pull-up challenge, whoever can do the most pull-ups wins alright?" Everyone was quiet for a moment, processing the information, but Robert was the first one to break the silence.

"I bet 50 bucks Y/n wins!" He shouted. "Anyone betting against me?" The next few minutes consisted of everyone betting on who was going to win. Most of the people bet on Chris because no one had been able to beat him yet, but a surprising amount of people bet on me as well.

Scarlett then approached me and went full mom mode which I found quite funny. "Hunny, you don't have to do this if you don't want to", she said. "It's fine mom, i'll do it, it'll be fun!"

She tried very hard to talk me out of it but I wasn't budging, not today. "Alright fine, you can do it but please, listen to you body and don't push yourself too much, you're still healing okay?"

"I'll be fine mom, I promise", I reassured her before waling over to the bar with Chris. They had decided for Robert to be the one to count, so both Chris and I jumped up and gripped the bar so that we were hanging from it.

"Alright, you two ready?" Robert asked, and we both replied with "yes".

"Alright, 3, 2, 1, start!" Robert shouted. "And 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10..." The first 20 were pretty easy, but at 30 I felt myself starting to struggle. I looked over at Chris and luckily I saw him struggling too.

When we got to 35 I felt myself lose the strength in my arms. I knew that Chris was stronger than me, but he also had more body weight so I had a bit of an advantage, so I gritted my teeth and pushed on.

"35, 36, 37..." I felt my fingers start to slip, I knew I couldn't continue for much longer.


A/n: Sorry, this chapter is terrible, I wrote most of it at like 3am so i'll just blame it on that xD

Someone requested for Y/n to prove Lizzie wrong at the gym, so here it is :)

As always, remember to take care of yourself, you always come first <3

Love you 3000

Word count: 1276 words

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