Chapter 29

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ mention of abuse, flashback (y'all are not ready for what's about to go down...)

Y/n's pov:

Chris H and Y/n are doing a pull-up challenge.

"35, 36, 37..." I felt my fingers start to slip, I knew I couldn't continue for much longer. Luckily, in the corner of my eye I saw Chris drop from the bar and I heard a lot of cheering. I knew I had to do one more pull-up to win, so even though I was exhausted, I pushed for the last one, number 38, before dropping to the ground.

I collapsed on the nearest bench, with my arms feeling completely dead. It hadn't dawned on me that I had won until Chris came over to me to congratulate me. "Congrats kid, finally a worthy opponent, you did well", he congratulated me.

"Thanks", was all I could get out before Scarlett came and basically pushed Chris out of the way with a water bottle in her hand which she shoved into my hand and gestured for me to drink out of.

"Sweetie, are you alright?" She asked when I had downed half of the water bottle. "Yeah, I'm fine, just a little tired, I did just do 38 pull-ups", I smiled. "Are you sure, you're not feeling dizzy or anything?" She inquired while looking at me with a worried look. "Mom, I'm fine, look, I can stand just fine", I said and stood up.

"Scarlett sighed but let me walk over to everyone else, and they all congratulated me. Apparently Robert had earned 200 bucks off of his bets, so he spent like 5 minutes just thanking me for winning.

Honestly, it was great having everyone here and everything but I really just wanted a shower, I was a bit overwhelmed with all of the attention I was getting which Scarlett seemed to notice, because she made everyone leave, saying that I had to rest. Eventually, they all left, some of them had some scenes to film this afternoon so they just went straight to set, and the rest went home.

When everyone had left, it was just me, Scarlett, Rose and Colin left. I mouthed a "thank you" to Scarlett before going upstairs to go take a shower while Scarlett and Rose made some lunch for us. Colin had some important office work to do, so he had locked himself in his office.

I turned the water on the coldest setting, for some reason I enjoyed cold showers after my workouts, I know, I'm weird. The cold water came as a bit of a shock for my body, but when my body had gotten used to the temperature change, it was actually quite pleasant and I was able to relax and just stand there for a good 20 minutes.

I then got out of the shower and changed into some comfortable clothing before plopping down on my bed. I had taken some pictures before my workout today, so I decided to post one of them on my Instagram.

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@Y/n_Y/l/n: Decided to work out today <3

@Lizzie_Olsen: And you slayed it gurl!

@ChrisHemsworth: ^^^ You sure did!

@Random.user: Yasss, loving the outfit!!

@RobertDowneyJr: Again, thanks for earning me the 200 bucks, I owe you one ;)

@Y/n_Y/l/n: Ofc Rob, anything for you ;)

@Scarjohansson: What are you two talking about???

@Y/n_Y/l/n: You don't know??

@RobertDowneyJr: I think it's best if she doesn't know

@Y/n_Y/l/n: I agree ^^

@Scarjohansson: DON'T KNOW WHAT???

@BrieLarson: Looking stunning, love the outfit <3

@Y/n_Y/l/n: It doesn't compare to your outfits tho

@The_Flo_Pugh: You'll have to train me, you look amazing!

@Y/n_Y/l/n: You don't need training, have you seen yourself!?!?!?!


@Y/n_Y/l/n: You'd love to know that wouldn't you ;)

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Just a couple of minutes after posting the picture, people were already commenting. The majority of the comments were positive, but of course there were a couple of negative ones. I tried to focus on replying to the positive comments and not let the negative ones affect me, but it was hard, they were getting in my head.

Before I could overthink any more, Scarlett called me down for lunch. She and Rose had made wraps which tasted amazing. "Thank you so much Rose, these taste amazing!" I complimented while chewing on my food.

I knew that Scarlett had probably done most of the work, so I shot her a thankful smile and mouthed a "thank you", and she smiled back. After lunch, Rose went to one of her friends to play for a while, and Colin drove her so it was just me and Scarlett.

She was doing the washing up while I was watching "Stranger Things". I had tried to help clean up but Scarlett had insisted on doing it herself. It didn't take her very long to clean up, and before I knew it, we were snuggled up on the couch watching Stranger Things.

I think Scarlett was a little shocked I was watching a show like that because it's pg 16, but it honestly didn't really affect me, it's a good show. We watched "Stranger Things" for quite a while, and I was really letting my guard down around Scarlett.

I was basically laying on top of her, with my head resting on her shoulder. I had always been hesitant to open up and trust new adults because they always did something to me, but I found myself trusting her a lot.

Scarlett's hands were playing with my hair which I found quite relaxing. I was okay with her fidgeting with my hair, but I didn't know if I was comfortable with her touching for example my chest, because that's where Mr. Williams would most often touch me inappropriately, he would often kiss my chest of run his hands over my breasts, no matter how uncomfortable I was.

I had almost fallen asleep in Scarlett's arms when she moved her hands to rest on top of my chest. This triggered a series of flashbacks and bad memories in my brain and I immediately shot up from the couch and backed away from Scarlett, except I didn't see Scarlett, I just saw Mr. Williams.

"NO! Please don't touch me again, I'll do anything, I beg you!" I begged, shaking and tears were streaming down my face.

A/n: What's going to happen next?? 🤨
I did another Instagram post since you seemed to like them, i hope theyre okay🙂
I hope youre all doing well and that you are taking care of yourselves, remember you always come first 💛

Love you 3000

Word count: 1136 words

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