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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ yelling

Y/n's pov:

We were sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch when Florence asked me what I liked to so besides drawing and working out.

"So, anything else you like to do?" She asked. I thought for a while before saying, "not really no, although I did take some acting classes a while back, but nothing major", I said and shrugged.

The table became silent and everyone's eyes turned to me.

"You have done acting before?" Scarlett asked me, her eyes wide.

"Well yeah I guess I have done a couple commercials and some small roles here and there, but it was only really so that Mr. Williams could make some money off me", I shrugged.

"That's the only reason I was allowed to take acting classes."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Scarlett asked.

"Well first of all, I met you like 5 days ago, and secondly, it didn't seem relevant, I'm not really good anyway", I shrugged and continued eating my lunch.

"I refuse I believe that, we'll talk about that later, maybe I could pull some strings and get you a role somewhere, only if you want to of course", Scarlett said and gave me a little wink.

"Alright ma'am, if you insist", I joked back.

We all laughed and continued eating. After a while, Gwyneth interrupted the silence. "So Y/n, you said you like drawing, what do you usually draw?" She asked.

"Well, I usually draw animals, but I will occasionally draw nature or landscapes", I answered with a little smile.

"Can we maybe see?" Letitia asked. "Sure, but they're not that good", I shrugged and started digging my phone up to try and find some pictures of my drawings.

 "Sure, but they're not that good", I shrugged and started digging my phone up to try and find some pictures of my drawings

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Some of Y/n's drawings ^

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Some of Y/n's drawings ^

I passed my phone around the table, and I left everyone speechless. When the phone got to Scarlett, she looked from the phone to me, and then back down on the phone.

"You did this?" She asked, astonished. "I mean, yea", I smiled back.

"These are amazing, you're so talented! How long does each drawing usually take?" Scarlett asked.

"Well, it depends on the drawing, but usually anywhere from 6-12 hours", I said while taking my phone back.

"You're really talented, do you take art classes in school or something?" Gwyneth asked.

"No, not really", I answered. "I was homeschooled for most of my life, so I'm pretty much self-taught, I've watched some tutorials on the internet and such, but never any art classes."

Mr. Williams had homeschooled all of the kids at the orphanage, he thought it would be less work for him, and it would also mean less questions about our well-being. (Which obviously wasn't really good)

I left out the reasoning behind the homeschooling, and no one asked any more questions.

We talked for a little longer while everyone finished their lunch, well I didn't talk much, I was my normal, shy self again.

Soon it was time for Scarlett to go shoot again, and we quickly said goodbye to the rest of the girls before walking back to set.

While Scarlett had some quick touch-ups done, I sat down in the chair with her name on it.

Then it was time to start shooting again. Scarlett only had a few very short scenes to do, but it was still very fun and interesting to watch.

I was so focused on watching Scarlett work, I didn't notice Florence who had crept up behind me.

She sat down in the chair next to me, which startled me. "Oh my God Florence, you scared me!" I whispered, not wanting to disturb the scene being flimed.

"Sorry", she quickly apologized. "Don't worry about it, it's fine, just give me a heads up or something next time", I said, a little bit shy as the one and only Florence Pugh was talking to me.

"Do you want to go explore a bit?" Florence asked me. "It doesn't look like they're going to be finished any time soon", she said while gesturing over to Scarlett, who seemed to be arguing with the director about something.

I thought for a while, and then said "sure, why not. And soon Florence was showing me around set, and boy, was it huge.

She showed me the costume department, the prop department, the cafeteria of course, all of the trailers, the hair and makeup rooms, the "green room" as they called it, a little room designed to chill, she showed me many of the sets, and we eventually ended up in Florence's trailer.

I was sitting on the couch chatting with Florence, when I suddenly hear my phone start to ring. I picked it up to see who was calling me, and my heart skipped a beat when i saw it was Scarlett who was calling me.

Florence saw it and asked, "who is it?"

"It's Scarlett, she's going to kill me", i sighed. "Alright, i better get this over with", i said and answered the call.


"I-I'm in Florence's trailer"


"I-I'm sorry, I'll be t-there it two" i stuttered and hung up the call.

"What did i say? She's so going to kill me, I better get over there, it was great talking to you though", i smiled to Florence before turning around to exit the trailer.

"It's fine, I'll walk you there, it's kinda my fault as well, I was the one to convince you to come with me anyways", Florence said before standing up from the couch to follow me out of her trailer.

As we were walking back, Florence interrupted the silence. "You know, I think Scarlett cares a lot about you, she never makes such a big deal when someone else is missing", she smiled at me.

"Yea right, she's probably just angry because I'm wasting her time", i shrugged. I didn't allow myself to believe Scarlett cared so much about me, every time i let my guard down with someone, they use it against me.

"I don't believe that", Florence said. "I see the way she looks at you, like you're the most important person in her life", She said while we were walking back to set.

I didn't get to answer, because i was tackled in a hug by Scarlett. For a split second i thought she wouldn't be mad at me, but i was wrong.


A/n: How are we already at chapter 20?! I feel like i started writing this book like yesterday and i never intended to actually publish it, but here we are, with over 14k reads on this book! 

The response has been overwhelming, and every kind comment always makes my day, i find myself smiling like an idiot, just because some stranger on the internet read my book and said it was good


As always, drink a glass of water, eat a little something or go for a short walk, it's almost the weekend (at least for me rn), i believe in you, and i'm proud of how far you've come <3

Word count: 1276 words

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