Chapter 6

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ Mention of abuse

Y/n's pov:

Scarlett put the phone on the table, and after ringing three times, the person in the other end answered. "Hey love, how are you?" A masculine voice asked.

"Hey Colin, I'm doing good", Scarlett answered. "You're on speaker mode, is that okay with you?" "Yeah that's fine, who's there except you?" "Lizzie is here too", Scarlett answered, not mentioning me.

"But anyway Colin, i have to ask you a question." Lizzie saw i was getting nervous, so she took my hand in hers and gave it a little squeeze.

"It's gonna be ok, Colin is going to understand how much this means to Scarlett and he is going to say yes, I'm sure", Lizzie whispered to me.

"And if he doesn't do so, I'm going to kill him", she said with a little smirk, which made me giggle. Lizzie really knew how to make me feel better.

"Yea go ahead, what do you want to ask about?" I heard from the phone. "So, you know how we were looking for a child to adopt, but we never found the right one", Scarlett began.

I could tell she was nervous because she was bouncing her leg up and down, which is exactly what i do when I'm anxious.

Colin didn't say anything, so Scarlett continued talking. "Well, i think i found the perfect girl. She is 14 years old and super sweet and kind." I felt myself blush when she said that. "She is sitting here next to me", Scarlett said while smiling towards me.

"Really, could i maybe hear her talk, so that i know you're serious?" Colin joked from the other end of the phone. Lizzie gave me a little nudge as if to tell me to say something. "Umm... Hi.." i said quietly.

"Hey, so you are real", Colin said which made all of us laugh. "Could you maybe tell me your name? I mean, if you have one", Colin continued joking. "I'm- I'm Y/n". "That's a beautiful name", Colin complimented, which made me smile.

"So Scar, basically what you are saying is that you want us to adopt her?" Colin asked. I felt the nervousness come creeping back. "Yes, she wasn't treated well at the orphanage she lives at, and she deserves to be truly loved by someone", Scarlett said.

"I know that when your mind is set on something Scar, i can't really do much to change it, and i feel like this is one of those moments so if you feel like she is the right one, i support your decision." Colin said.

"Wait really?" Scarlett asked in disbelief. "Yes, if what you said is true, and she wasn't treated well, i want to be one of the people to show her the all of the goodness in this world." Colin answered. "You have my permission to adopt her."

"Thank you so much Colin!" Scarlett squealed. "Of course love, I trust your judgement", Colin said. "And i can't wait to meet you Y/n, but i really have to go now, love you all so much, bye!" Colin said before hanging up.

Before i could say anything, Scarlett had pulled me into a bone-crushing hug, and she started twirling me around. "I-, Scarlett I-, let me breathe please, you're crushing me, i giggled. "Oh! I so sorry honey, I'm just so happy, i can't help it!"

We both heard an "Aww" come from behind us, and we turned around to find Lizzie filming us with her phone.

"Liz, what the hell!" Scarlett laughed. "What, you guys were so cute i couldn't help it", Lizzie snickered. "Alright, but you're sending that to me", Scarlett said while trying really hard not to laugh, but failing miserably.

"Of course Scar, whatever you say." For some reason this was funny to me, so i burst out laughing again, earning two weird looks from both Scarlett and Lizzie.

"Sorry, i don't know why that was so funny to me", i quickly apologized. "I know why, because Scar and I are absolutely hilarious", Lizzie joked, which made us all laugh again.

We then ate lots of snacks and watched at least 3 Marvel films, after me reasoning with them for at least 30 minutes, as both Lizzie and Scarlett didn't want to watch their own movies, but they eventually gave in.

That night i slept in Scarlett's bed, as Scarlett had insisted she could sleep on the couch. I felt bad and said that she should sleep in her own bedroom while i could take the couch, but she insisted, and i actually slept really well for once, or so i thought.

Scarlett and Lizzie were yelling at me while i was curled into a ball in the corner, terrified. "You are worthless!" "No one wants you!" "I hate you, and so does everyone else in this world!" "You don't deserve us!" "You ungrateful little sh*t!"

"We are sending you back to Mr. Williams, maybe he will teach you a lesson!" were only some of the things they were shouting at me. They then started laughing this scary, evil laugh, and i soon understood why.

Mr. Williams was coming towards me, with a baseball bat in his right hand. He was also laughing. "No, NO! What did i do wrong! I didn't do anything to deserve this! No! Please Mr. Williams have mercy!" I begged, but it didn't help.

I screamed. I quickly sat up in my bed, sweating and shaking profusely.It took me a couple of seconds to realize where i was, but when i remembered i was in Scarlett's bedroom, i became more scared. What if she actually hated me and wanted to send me back?  "It was just a nightmare, it wasn't real", i tried to tell myself, but it didn't really work. I laid back down, and realized i was crying.

Tears were streaming down my face, and i couldn't do anything about it, i was shaking so hard. I begged that no one had heard me scream as i didn't want to wake anyone up in the middle of the night, but i knew that was almost impossible. I then heard running footsteps.


A/n: Tysm for over 800 reads!!! I never thought anyone would actually read this book!

Word count: 1052 words

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