Chapter 13

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ none for once xD

Y/n's pov:

The plane ride went well, mostly because I slept through most of it, but the flight attendant was so kind, she brought me lots of food and snacks (which were amazing), and I also realized it was incredibly beautiful above the clouds.

After a little over 11 hours we touched down in LA. We got off the plane only to be met with a hoard of paparazzi waiting for us. They started shouting the usual questions at us, well mostly at Scarlett, even though some of them were for me.

"What are you doing back here in LA Mrs. Johansson?"

"Over here Scarlett!"

"How was your stay in London?"

"Who is the girl?"

"Look over her for me Ms. Johansson!"

"Can you tell us something about any upcoming avengers movies?"

I held Scarlett's hand tighter, and i tried to control my breathing. For once it actually worked, as i felt the feeling of anxiety and panic disappear. Scarlett called an Uber for us, and the first thing she did when we got inside was ask me if i was okay.

"Honey, are you ok? I'm so sorry, they're so rude, but it's fine, they're gone now", she said, not realizing i was giggling. "I'm totally fine Scarlett, but thank you for caring about my well-being", i said in between fits of giggles.

She looked at me with a confused expression on her face. "Wait, i thought you were having a panic attack, boy, you scared me Y/n!" Scarlett was also laughing now, and the Uber driver just looked at us like we were two weirdos, which was kinda true though.

We drove for a good 30 minutes, and i realized we were out of LA and in a fancy neighborhood area. We stopped my a house that looked like a literal mansion. I mean, i knew Scarlett was rich and famous and all that, I guess I just didn't prepare myself enough mentally for what her house was going to look like.

I didn't realize Scarlett had already stepped out of the car until i heard her call my name. "Hello? Y/n? Earth to Y/n? Are you there? Are you going to get out of the car or are you going to sleep in there or what?" Scarlett joked.

"Right, sorry", i apologized and got out of the car, still admiring the beautiful house in front of me. "Do you like it?" Scarlett asked with a bit of worry in her voice. "If i like it? Are you crazy, I love it!" I laughed, which relieved Scarlett.

We didn't get to talk much longer as we were interrupted my a small voice shouting, "MOMMYYYY!!!!" A little girl who looked to be about 5 ran up to Scarlett and tackled her in a hug, so i assumed this was Rose, Scarlett's daughter. "MOMMYY!! I MISSED YOU!" She said. "I missed you too bubs, how are you?" Scarlett asked.

I just stood over to the side, feeling kind of left out, but i knew Rose hadn't seen her mother for quite a long time, so i let them have their moment.

I saw a man walking down to us from the house, and i assumed this was Colin, Scarlett's husband. He approached me, and held out his hand for me to shake. I took it, and he introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Colin, Scarlett's husband, I'm assuming you are Y/n?" He said. "Yes, that's me, it's nice to meet you Mr. Jost", I said, shaking his hand.

"Oh, please, Colin is fine, why don't you come in, it's quite cold out here, and they are clearly having a moment", he said and pointed towards Scarlett and Rose who were still hugging each other.

I laughed and agreed. He helped me with my suitcase, even though i had said i could take it myself. As we walked inside, I just stood in the doorway, not knowing where to go or what to do.

Colin seemed to notice, because he invited me to come further in. "Come on in, it's your house too after all", he joked. He then showed me the way to my room, and i was starstruck. It was so big, with a queen sized bed and it was beautifully decorated.

"Sorry, we didn't do much decorating, we figured you could maybe help so that we could make it the way you want it and add your own vibe to it", he smiled at me. "Thank you so much Mr. Jo- Colin, i love it!"

He left to give me some time to settle in and also to put all of my clothes in my walk in closet. Yes, i had a walk in closet and also my own bathroom that was connected to my own room!

After about 15 minutes i figured it was time to go back downstairs to meet Rose. I was scared she wasn't going to like me, but i had to get it over with. I quickly looked in the mirror, and exited my room.

I stopped at the top of the flight of stairs, and took a deep breath before heading downstairs. I found the family in the living room, talking together. They didn't notice my presence, so i coughed to make myself known.

"Y/n! Sweetheart! There you are, did you like your room?" Scarlett asked while coming over to hug me. "Yes, i love it, thank you so much", i thanked her while being strangled in a hug by Scarlett.

Scarlett let go of me and called Rose over. "Come and meet your new big sister Rose honey." Rose came over and stood behind Scarlett, peeking her head out from beside Scarlett.

"Hi, I'm Y/n and I'm your new big sis", I said while crouching down to her level. "Hi", she said shyly. "Do you like frozen?" She asked. "Yes, of course i do", i answered, smiling, trying to make the little girl feel more comfortable.

"Can we maybe watch it?" She asked. I looked up at Scarlett, asking if it was ok, she just nodded her head. "Yes of course, let's go watch it!" I said enthusiastically. "Yayyyy!!!" She practically shouted.

I giggled and followed her to the living room. I then put Frozen and we sat down on the couch (sofa). After not even 15 minutes, i felt Rose wiggle closer to me, until she was practically laying on top of me.

She snuggled into me and continued watching the movie. I was so relieved. I guess i didn't have to worry about Rose not liking me anymore, thank god.

As we were laying on the couch, snuggled together, watching the movie, Scarlett and Colin were making dinner.

When dinner was ready, Scarlett went to call us down, but she found us, her two daughters, snuggled up together, watching frozen. She smiled and took her phone out to capture this beautiful moment.


A/n: I hope you're all doing well, i heard some of you have started school recently, so if your still in school, how is school going? If your not in school, how's work? <3

For me, school is going alright, we have a new teacher bc our old one ditched us (rude ik), but the new teacher is nice, so i guess that's good

Do you want me to start adding a little question to the end of each chapter? I'll of course be answering them myself, and you obv don't have to answer if you don't want to

Anyways, i hope you're having a good day :)

Word count: 1269 words

Adopted by Scarlett JohanssonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora