Chapter 50

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER OF THIS BOOK, otherwise, no warnings :)

Y/n's pov:

-Time skip to a couple of weeks after the premiere-

It's been a couple of weeks since the "Maze Runner" premiere, and the fans are loving it so far. I've been doing a lot of press the last few weeks, and it's been quite stressful. Kaya and I also got together. 

We went on a date about a week after the premiere, and she asked me to be her girlfriend which I obviously agreed to. We haven't told the public yet, only our family and friends, and they're all really happy for us.

Anyway, today Scarlett asked me if I wanted to come to set with her, which I did. When we arrived, we went to her trailer to hang out for a moment before Scarlett had to shoot some scenes.

She was acting a little weird, but I just shrugged it off, maybe they were doing an important scene and she was a bit nervous. "Sweetheart, I umm, I just have to go do something, I'll be back in a minute, just stay here okay", Scarlett said before leaving the trailer.

"Okay, that was weird. Oh well, it's probably nothing", I thought to myself before going back to try and write an Instagram caption. (Let's be honest, we all struggle with that sometimes)

Scarlett then came back with a huge grin on her face. "Come on, let's go!" She practically squealed. Yes, Scarlett Johansson squealed. I was surprised by her exitement, but went with her nonetheless. 

She didn't take me to hair and makeup however, she took me to a meeting room with the Russos. "Miss Y/l/n, there you are, how are you? I expect Scarlett has told you why we're here today", Anthony said. 

I looked up at Scarlett with a questioning look. "You haven't told me anything mum", I said, getting more confused by the second. "Umm, well I guess I'll tell you now then", Scarlett said enthusiastically.

"You're being offered a part in the MCU!"



I was speechless.

They want me to act in the MCU?

"Are you serious?" I asked. 

"Yes we are, we've seen your acting and we have seen your talent in "The Maze Runner", so we would like you to play the daughter of Black Widow", Joseph said. "Only if you want to of course, there is no pressure", Anthony shot in.

"So, what do you say?" Scarlett asked. "Of course, I would love to!" I said with a massive grin plastered on my face. "Really?" Scarlett asked. "You don't have to if you don't want to", she reassured me.

"Yes really, I want to do this, it would be an honor to act alongside you", I said before giving Scarlett a massive hug. "I love you mum", I mumbled into her embrace. "I love you too bubs and I'm incredibly proud of you", Scarlett answered and I knew she meant it with all of her heart.


Y/n Y/l/n got the part of Arina Romanoff (Yeah I completely just made that role up), the daughter of the Black Widow. She went on to become a famous actress and model, not because of her famous mother, but because of her talent.

She and Kaya Scodelario were together for a couple of years before breaking up (not a nasty breakup btw, they just kinda drifted apart), and they also made the last "Maze Runner" together, which became a huge success.

After that day, Y/n never looked back to where she came from (*cough* Mr Williams *cough*), and she knew that her family would always be incredibly proud of her, and that they would always be there to support her.


A/n: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! This book is finally finished! After 50 long chapters this has sadly come to an end. I just wanted to say thank you so much for staying with me on this journey, every nice and funny comment never fails to put a smile on my face. Honestly, you guys crack me up sometimes, y'all are hilarious.

I just started writing this book for fun, I never intended to publish it, and now, at the time I'm writing this, my book has over 60 THOUSAND reads! That is absolutely crazy! I cannot say this enough, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

-Update from future me-


-New update-

150K READS!?!??! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!

-Another freaking update-



300K READS!?!?!? You guys are incredible, I hope you all enjoyed reading my story as much as I enjoyed writing it xx

Love you 3000 <3

Word count: 746 words

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