Chapter 45

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ arguing

Y/n's pov:

When we got home I immediately started getting ready for Scarlett's birthday party. Her family was coming along with the cast, and to say I was nervous was an understatement. I was going to meet Scarlett's family, so basically my grandparents, aunts and uncles, I was terrified.

What if they didn't like me? What the hell was I supposed to do then? What if they didn't like Scarlett's decision to adopt me?

I stopped my train of thoughts and focused on the positives. I had chosen a white blouse with a pair of jeans as my outfit today. Scarlett had told me to wear something nice, but not really fancy.

For my hair, I just curled it and did a simple half up half down hairstyle, along with really simple makeup. Just some concealer, mascara and lip gloss. After that I quickly texted my friends on the group chat we had, and I replied to some messages they had sent earlier while I was at the park.

I could hear people arriving, and I could just about distinguish Lizzie's voice among the others. That was until I heard a squeal which no doubt came from Rose. "Grandma, grandpa!"

Well, looks like Scarlett's parents were here. I figured I should probably go downstairs and meet everyone, so after checking my reflection in the mirror, I slowly made my way downstairs.

When I got downstairs, the living room was packed with people, but I managed to find Scarlett in the crowd. She was talking to an elderly couple, so I assumed these were her parents.

I tried to walk over to Lizzie instead because I wasn't sure if I was ready to meet them yet, but Scarlett noticed me and beckoned me over. "Sweetheart, there you are, you look stunning!" Scarlett exclaimed when I got to her.

"Thanks mum, but you're the stunning one here", I smiled. Scarlett then turned to her parents. "Y/n, meet my parents!"

"Hi, I'm Y/n, nice to meet you both", I smiled while holding my hand out for Scarlett's mum to shake. "Oh come here, in this family we hug people!" She said while pulling me in for a tight hug. Well, now I know where Scarlett got her hugging from.

"I'm Melanie, you can call me anything you feel comfortable with", she smiled when we broke apart. I nodded and held my hand out to Scarlett's father. He didn't give me a hug, he just shook my hand firmly.

He had been looking at me with a judgemental look since he first saw me, so I got the impression that he didn't like me. "It's nice to meet you sir", I said and gave a little smile, wanting to treat him with respect. "Likewise", he said in his dark voice even though it didn't really look like he meant it.

I smiled and took a step back, feeling a little uncomfortable around Scarlett's father as it seemed like he wasn't very fond of me.

I then talked with Melanie for a little while, getting to know her, and she was actually really lovely. She didn't overstep at all and she was really sweet and considerate, always making sure that I was comfortable with answering.

While I was talking to Melanie, I could see Scarlett in the corner of my eye, arguing with her father about something. They eventually got to a breaking point, and Scarlett's father stormed off.

Scarlett then came back to us, looking a little upset but mostly angry. "Are you alright?" I asked cautiously, not wanting her to snap at me. "Yeah sorry, I'm fine." She answered curtly, and I took that as my cue to leave. I excused myself and went to find Lizzie.

I went to the kitchen first to grab a snack and something to drink before trying to find Lizzie. I eventually found her talking to Chris Evans and Brie Larson, so I walked up to them. "Y/n! Hi, you look great!" Lizzie said when I approached them.

"Hey, thanks, so do you", I smiled before greeting Chris and Brie too. "So have you finally met your grandparents?" Lizzie asked me. "I have, Melanie is really sweet, but I don't think Scarlett's father likes me very much", I muttered.

"It's not your fault honey, he just doesn't accept Scarlett's decision to adopt you, which is total bullshit if you ask me, you're the best thing that has happened to Scarlett in a long time", Lizzie reassured me while pulling me in for a side hug.

"Thanks", I said and gave a weak smile, not entirely believing Lizzie. Maybe Scarlett shouldn't have adopted me. Was I a mistake?  Lizzie noticed that I was getting a bit distant, so she excused us from the conversation with Brie and Chris, and she took me outside.

We sat down in the garden, and Lizzie pulled me closer to her. "Honey, I want you to listen to me okay?" Lizzie said and I nodded as if to show her that I was listening. "Even though Karsten, that's Scarlett's dad by the way, even though he doesn't support Scarlett's decision, that does not mean that she loves you any less."

"I know for a fact that Scarlett loves you to the moon and back, you may not realize this, but you have helped her in many ways, similar to how she had helped you. Before you came into her life, she was struggling quite a bit. We all tried to help her, but we didn't know how", Lizzie told me.

"At first we thought that her and Colin were going through a hard time, but that wasn't it. We soon found out that she was overthinking a lot, which isn't healthy. When she met you, she saw herself in you. Your kindness and empathy."

"But you had been through so much, and she felt this maternal instinct towards you, and along the way her love for you only grew, so who cares what Karsten thinks, in the end you're an amazing young woman, and the people who get to be in your life are incredibly lucky", Lizzie finished.

"Thanks for the motivational speech Liz, but I'm getting cold and we should probably head back inside", I said, slightly shivering. Lizzie agreed and we then went back inside.

We then talked a bit more, and before I knew it, people were heading home and soon it was just me, Rose, Colin and Scarlett left in the house.

I said goodnight to everyone before heading off to bed and falling into a peaceful slumber, still with Lizzie's words circling in my head.


A/n: Sorry for Lizzie's long motivational speech, I just felt like I had to include it. Also, everyone wanted ✨drama✨, so I had to rewrite this entire chapter bc I originally wrote it without drama. This was the most drama I could do, sorry if it's not enough :)

I hope you're doing well, don't forget about self-care <3

Another thing. A girl from my class found out about this book and she started reading it 😧 I'm scared. I haven't really told anyone in my life about this book beause I'm scared for people to read it. She's only on like chapter 9 or something, but when you get here Ipek, hi, I hope my book is ok 👋

If you have any ideas for an oneshot about Scar, Lizzie, Flo, anyone really, don't hesitate to leave a comment :)

Love you 3000 <3

Word count: 1254 words

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