Chapter 14

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ None I think

Scarlett's pov:

I was making dinner with Colin, and we were joking around. I had missed him so much during my trip to London, and it was great being with him again.

I was so thankful that he and Y/n had gotten along nicely, and Y/n and Rose had gone to watch Frozen. Dinner was ready, so i went to the living room to tell them, and i found the most adorable thing.

Rose was snuggled into Y/n, and it looked like she was sleeping. I had been really scared about Y/n and Rose not getting along, because Rose isn't always so great with strangers, but it looked like there had been no reason for me to worry.

I quickly got my phone out and snapped a quick picture, i wanted to treasure this moment forever. I sent it to Lizzie, as she was the only one who knew about Y/n, and she immediately replied.


*Image sent*
Aren't they adorable?😍

Aaahhhh they're
so cute I can't🥺

And I was worried
they wouldn't
get along nicely

Well, as you can see,
there was no reason
to worry🥰

I have to go though,
dinner is ready, I'll
talk to you later😘

Alight, see ya🙃


Scarlett smiled at Lizzie's text, before deciding to wake the girls up. "Hey, you two, I'm so sorry, but you have to wake up, dinner is ready." They both stirred and groaned. I silently laughed at the sight of my daughters not wanting to wake up.

"What's for dinner?" Rose asked, still sleepy. "Mac and cheese, your favorite", i answered. "Yesss! Come on Y/n, let's go eat mac and cheese!" Rose yelled, suddenly wide awake, while dragging the still half asleep Y/n with her.

I laughed and followed them into the kitchen after turning the TV off, where i found both of them sitting by the table, Rose fully awake, Y/n not so awake.

Colin put the food on the table, and we started eating. It didn't take long before Rose started chatting about how her day had been, she did this every day at dinner, and i found it adorable.

She told us about how she and her best friend Lucy had played together during lunch break at school, and how she had learnt about Americas 50 states.

I looked over at Y/n, who looked a little out of it. She was eating, but not really paying attention to what Rose was rambling about. I thought she was just tired, since we had been awake for almost 20 hours because of the time difference, honestly i was pretty jet-lagged myself, and i didn't think more about it.

After we had finished eating, Y/n excused herself from the table, claiming she was tired and wanted to go to bed. Rose looked a little sad she wasn't going to be able to spend more time with her sister that evening, but after i explained that Y/n had been awake for a long time and that she was probably very tired, she reluctantly accepted it.

Colin cleaned up after dinner while i put Rose to bed. She had school tomorrow and i wanted her to get enough sleep.

When Rose was sleeping soundly, i realized i was also quite tired, so i decided to take an early night. Well, i had been awake for almost 20 hours, but because of the time difference it was only 8pm in LA.

I got myself ready for bed, and then i went to check on Y/n. She was sitting on her bed, staring at a picture frame. It was the same one she had been staring at yesterday, except today she wasn't crying, even though she looked sadder today.

The second i walked in the door, she quickly hid the picture frame behind her back. "Hey honey, I just wanted to say goodnight and ask you if you need anything", i said. "Oh, no I'm fine, you just go to bed, I'll be fine", she smiled weakly.

"Alright, and just so you know, you can always talk to me if something is bothering you", i reassured her. "And you also don't have to show me the picture if you don't want to, but I'm always here if you need to talk", i smiled.

"Thank you Scarlett, it means a lot."

"Of course honey, goodnight."

"Goodnight Scarlett."

I went to bed but I couldn't sleep. I was worried about Y/n, but I tried to convince myself that she was just tired, and she was in a new house after all.

Seeing as I couldn't sleep, I went downstairs to eat something. I looked in the fridge and found a burrito, so I grabbed it and started eating it.

Eating something I the middle of the night always helped me sleep, so after I finished my midnight burrito, I went back to bed, making sure to check on both Y/n and Rose, but they were both sleeping soundly.

I said goodnight to Colin, he was sitting in the living room with his laptop. He was still up because he had to do some things for work. I then went up to my room and got my phone out.

I checked my phone for any notifications, and I found some pretty hilarious conversations from the "Avengers Cast" group chat.

I spent a couple of minutes reading through the chats, and I found myself laughing at some of them. God, I had the best co-stars ever.

It was getting late, so I decided to go to bed since I was exhausted. The second I put my head down on the pillow, I was out.

I was woken up in the middle of the night by Rose running into my room.

"Mommy, Y/n dropped something on the floor, I heard it!"


A/n: I hope this chapter was ok, I kinda hate it but oh well. Also thank you so much for 8K reads, this is crazy!!
If you haven't had anythingto eat or drink today, please eat a little something and drink a glass of water. Go for a little walk, or if it's late, get some sleep, wattpad will still be there in the morning <3

Word count: 1072 words

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