Chapter 11

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⚠️Warnings:⚠️ Panic attack

-At the mall-

Y/n's pov:

We arrived at the mall, and Scarlett helped me out of the car. She had put on a hat and big sunglasses to avoid the paparazzi spotting her.

Speaking of paparazzi, i was scared they would come, because i get really anxious around a lot of people and i knew they would start shouting at me, which would probably end with me having a panic attack in public.

I held Scarlett's hand tightly as i didn't want to lose her. We were at the mall for a solid three hours buying not just clothes for me, but also shoes, jewelry, some decorations for my room in LA, and we bought Rose a little gift as well.

No one had recognized Scarlett yet, which i was relieved about. We then payed for everything, well, Scarlett payed, and i thanked her for probably the one hundredth time, no one had ever cared enough about me to buy something for me.

Scarlett just kept saying that it wasn't a big deal, but she always smiled and blushed when i thanked her.

On the way out, however, it was crowded with paparazzi like it had been at the store when i first met Scarlett. Everything i saw was flashing cameras, and everything i heard was a lot of shouting.

I felt a panic attack starting to come, and i tried to hold it back, but the paparazzi didn't help. I held Scarlett's hand tighter, and we tried to make our way through the crowd of people.

"Over here Scarlett!"

"Mrs. Johannson, who is this girl with you?"

"When is the next avengers movie coming out?"

"Who are you kid?"

"Scarlett, what are you doing in London, are you filming something?"

"Look over here for me Scarlett"

Scarlett had told me not to answer any of the questions, so we continued to fight our way through the crowd. We eventually got to the car, and i collapsed in the front seat, sobbing.

Scarlett went and but the shopping bags in the trunk (boot) of the car. She then got to the front seat and mumbled "God these paparazzi are so annoying, I'm with a kid for gods sake, can't they just leave me alone for like two seconds?"

Then she realized i was having a panic attack, i was shaking and sobbing uncontrollably. "Sweetheart, it's okay, they're gone now, you're safe, they're not going to hurt you honey",, she comforted me while hugging me tightly.

"I know, I-I'm sorry, I-", Scarlett cut me off. "It's not your fault, you don't need to be sorry, it's the paparazzi's fault, they are so intruding and rude."

I eventually calmed down, while Scarlett was whispering sweet things to me. "Thanks Scarlett", i mumbled. "You don't have to thank me, i would do anything for you sweetie." This made me blush slightly, but i don't think Scarlett noticed.

She was too busy starting the car up. "Are you ok? Should we go get ice cream now?" I had totally forgotten about the ice cream, but honestly, i was craving it so i agreed.

We stopped at this small ice cream shop. Scarlett ordered vanilla ice cream while i ordered cookie dough ice cream. We ate it in silence, we were both a little shaken from the encounter with the paparazzi earlier.

On the way back home, i asked Scarlett what time we were leaving the next day. She answered that we were leaving the apartment at 7 in the morning, and the flight was at 9, so hopefully there wouldn't be so much paparazzi.

When we got back, i didn't bother to unpack more than a set of clothes as we were leaving the next morning anyway, but I did put all of my new clothes in a suitcase Scarlett got me, along with the clothes I already owned, and the picture of me and my parents from before they died.

I sat on the bed for a while, just staring at the photograph, with tears streaming down my face, and i didn't notice that Scarlett was standing in the doorway.

Scarlett's pov:

I had tried to call Y/n down for dinner multiple times, but she wasn't coming, so I went to her room, well, my room to check on her.

She was sitting on my bed, staring at something. I was about to say something, but then I noticed she was crying. Tears were streaming down her face, and she didn't even notice I was standing in the doorway.

"Sweetheart, are you OK, what's wrong?" I gently asked. This startled her, and she quickly wiped away her tears and hid what she had been looking at in her suitcase.

"Nothing, I'm fine. We're you calling for me? I'm so sorry, I was lost in my own thoughts", she quickly apologized.

I went and sat down on the bed next to her, and held my hand under her chin so that she was looking up at me.

"Sweetie, you're clearly not fine, and you also don't have to apologize, whatever it is, it's not your fault."

"If you don't want to talk about it, that's completely fine, but just know that I'm always here no matter what, and you can always talk to me, okay?" I reassured her.

"Thanks Scarlett, it means a lot, truly, I'm just not used to anyone actually caring about me, sorry", Y/n said, which broke my heart. This girl has had to take care of herself for her whole life, I felt so sorry for her.

The only thing I wanted was for her to be happy and to know that she could always talk to me, no matter what.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked. Y/n took a deep breath. "You don't have to if you don't wan-" I didn't get any further as she started talking, well, more like crying.

"I-It's my parents, they d-died in a car crash w-when I was t-three, and-" I could see it was hard for her to talk about it, and she was sobbing into my shoulder.

"It's okay honey, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to", I comforted her. It took a little while for her to stop crying, but I let her cry into me while I comforted her, because she needed to just let it all out.

"Are you feeling better now?" I asked. She nodded. "Great, let's go eat some dinner shall we?" I requested.

"You made dinner?"


A/n: Tysm for over 4,5k reads, this is crazy😳🥰 Also, if you haven't eaten anything today, please go and eat a little something, you deserve it <3

Word count: 1137 words

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