[14 least compatible ]

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[14] fourteenth chapter
episode thirteen, season 5
word count 2210
>In which the 
islanders vote for
the two couples they
deem least compatible.

Each couple split off across the villa to get privacy for their decision. Ovie and Summer had decided to take their place on the sunloungers, a little way away from Joe and Lucie who were sat on the beanbags so they would not be heard.

Summer placed her head in her hands and sighed, "This is so bittersweet, 'cause nobody's going home... yet."

"Yeah," Ovie added, "But it had to happen at some point, it just sucks it's down to us as to who's vulnerable."

"Mhm, so I guess let's start with Lucie and Joe."

Ovie began, glancing over at the pair as he did so, "He has told the lads over the past few days that he was having doubts, especially when he saw Lucie with Tommy. He told us that he's never had a girl be friends with guys before."

"Exactly, and she's told us that all of her friends on the outside are boys, so, if they were to be together when they leave, would they last? Or would Joe's insecurities get the better of him?" Summer responded, her heart weighing heavy at the fact they had to do this, "And if they do, it would be a clear sign that they're just not compatible."

"Exactly," he nodded, understanding where she was coming from, "Okay, let's move on, um, Danny and Yewande?"

"They have been getting along well, right, and Danny's been facing loads of girl fancy him and it seems Yewande handled it well," she told him, "But, obviously it's still early days and there could be someone knew who could turn either's of their heads, like, anything could happen in here."

Ovie hummed in agreement, "The main thing is if you see them working out on the outside, I mean, that's what we're looking for, right?"

"Aye, I mean, as soon as any one of us gets out of here people are gonna be throwing themselves at us left, right and centre and will they be able to withstand that? We don't know," she told him.

"Right right, so we'll put them in the middle then. What about Amy and Curtis? How do you think they'd do?"

Summer took a moment to think before responding, "They definitely go together well, I mean, they're half boyfriend and girlfriend. Amy has had her worries but he has always sorted them out, but is that him caring about her or just how he is? I mean, he would sort anyone's worries out if he could."

"Yeah, exactly, they have been together since he came in and they haven't really given us any reason to doubt them so far, so I think we might just be reading into it a bit," Ovie told her.

"That's fair," she responded, "I think out of everyone, they are probably one of the most compatible. Now, Michael and Amber."

Ovie glanced up to the pair who were sat on the daybed before answering, "They are very well suited, I think, because he knows how to handle how out-there her personality is, you know?"

"Mhm, yeah, exactly," Summer nodded, "I do think, even though they are a pretty new couple, they've known each other since the start and you can see just looking at them how compatible they are. On the other hand, though, we still don't know what they're like coupled up. But for now, they are one of the stronger ones."

"Yeah, yep. Molly and Tommy, they've had a fair share of ups and downs in here already, even after a week," Ovie commented.

Sumer nodded with a light smile, "Aye, obviously Molly is my friend in here, but the two of them have been tested a fair bit, I mean, from Danny being her type to Maura turning his head, there are definitely a lot of reasons that they aren't the strongest couple in here."

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