𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝟝 - 𝕍𝕒𝕞𝕡𝕚𝕣𝕖

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Day 5 - Vampire: "Why do you always run away from me? After all I've done for you, you still don't want to be with me?"

You didn't even stop to move the branch out the way you just let it catch your stomach as you kept running as fast as you possibly could because you could hear him catching up.


"I'll be gone for only three days, even though im not here I still expect you to follow all the rules darling." "I will." He bent down and placed a kiss on your check "Im gonna miss you. Oh and dear make sure to eat well because when I get home," His mouth ghosted over all the scars from past feeding on your shoulder ",i'll be hungry."

You shivered as he pulled away with a smile. He covered himself in his clock and exited the castle, you could hear him locking up from the outside. One of the servants quickly came over and started leading your to the dinning hall for lunch.

That night long after your curfew and extra long after the servants had gone to their own sleeping quarters you crept out the bed you would normally be sharing with Mic and went to the draw to grab a candle. You lit it before begaining to walk the empty halls of the Victorian castle, you now know the maze like halls like the back of your hand so it didn't take long before you were in front the door leading outside. You tried with all your might to open it but the locks didn't budge.

You picked the candle off the floor and placed it on the window sill before climbing up their yourself making sure your ankle length Victorian nightgown Mic forces you to wear didn't catch on anything on the way up. You pushed the window and after the third punch its old hinges creaked hard as the window forced itself open despite the rust. You slid threw letting your bare feet land on the cold cobble stone of the front steps "And here I was planning the reward you'd get for passing this test, just for you to throw all the good behavior away like its nothing."

You were frozen to the spot hearing the cold annoyed voice behind you before you booked it abandoning the candle all together "Really? Your gonna make me have to chance you down? Fine have it your way then."


As the gash from the branch began to bleed you heard the footsteps speed up before suddenly you were pounced on. You turned your head to look up at the man above you and noticed his red eyes were staring intensely at the patch of red on your white gown before forcing his eyes up to meet yours "After all i've done for you, you still run away?" When you struggled against his hold he sighed "Lets get you home and cleaned up darling, dont worry they'll be no feeding tonight you've lost enough blood as is."


(512 Words)

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