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After the sidetrack I was on my way to the Viridian Forest. I wondered if I should be afraid of going into a forest again, I mean the incident happened back then and I'm already over it.
I looked down and Vulpix just walked like nothing, well she was born in the forest so I guess it wouldn't phase her.

This forest wasn't so bad like the other. Sunlight actually reached through the leaves and made it to the ground, and this time I'm not as afraid as I was back then. Especially with Vulpix by my side.

As we walked we suddenly came across a guy and girl. They were right in the middle of the path.

They had black-gray clothing, but the guy wore pants and the girl wore a tighter shirt and skirt, and both their shirts had a red letter R. The girl had nice cropped light blue hair and the guy had partly gruffy brown hair, both looked young, but likely older than me and both were taller than me obviously, but the girl was slightly shorter.

"Why, hello there," they both said in unison and looked up.

"Hi," I said a little low.

"That's a nice Vulpix you got there," the girl said, "Wouldn't you agree Alec?"

"Oh yes Jane, its something," the guy named Alec agreed.

"What's your name?" Jane asked.

"Em...Emily," I said hesitantly.

As they got closer I got nervous, even more so when Vulpix half crouched, and backed up against me.

"Let's show you our pokemon," Alec said half enthusiastically.

"Go Golem!" Jane called throwing a pokeball, Alec threw one too but said, "Go Pinsir!"

Their pokemon kinda scared me, Golem looked like a ball of rock with a face and legs, Pinsir was big and brown with two spikey horns and big mouth in the middle. "W..wow cool," I stammered.

"You think that's cool, wait until you see what team rocket can do." Jane said.

"Team Rocket...?" I think these were the pokemon thieves Professor Oak talked about.

"Enough with the sweet talk, give us your Vulpix and the rest of your pokemon." Alec ordered.

"What makes you think I'll do that," I half yelled, I already had Vulpix in my arms protectively.

"Tsk, tsk, kids are so hard headed," Jane said, then added, "Golem use tackle!"

Before I could do anything Golem rolled toward us knocked me in mid-air. I slammed against a tree trunk.

"Aghhh," I huffed out, then I realized my friend wasn't in my arms.

I looked at Team Rocket, noticed they suddenly had a bag that was wiggling, and I heard my Vulpix's crys.

"Like taking candy from a baby," Alec snickered.

"How dare you?!" I yelled angrily. I threw a pokeball, "Bulbasuar, get Vulpix back!"

"Bulba," He said when he came out.

"Use your vine whip!"

Bulbasuar whipped Golem, I've learned most weaknesses of pokemon types. And like I predicted Golem would be weakened.

"Don't let that brat beat you, use smack down," Jane ordered.

"Bulbasuar wrap it up with your vines," I quickly countered.

"Bulba," Sure enough he tied him up. "Now slam him to Jane,"
Bulbasuar threw Golem, and he smacked right into her.

"Why you little..." Alec growled. "Pinsir use seismic toss," Pinsir moved so fast I didn't have a chance to say an attack, it lifted Bulbasuar in the air and threw him down. Bulbasuar fainted.

"No Bulbasuar," I ran up to him and put my arms around, I took out my pokeball, "Return, you did your best,"

"That's what happens when you mess with us," Jane said, already recovered.

I bared my teeth, I won't let them steal Vulpix, "Vulpix if you can hear me," I called can't help but feel dumb, "Fight your way out. Fight!"

Both Team Rocket, and even their pokemon laughed at my actions. But I saw the bag turning red and Alec screamed because it burned. The bag just exploded, and Vulpix was there and ran towards me.

"Vulpix," I knelt down hugging her.

"Vul," she said in a joyous tone.

"Now you're really playing with fire," Jane yelled. "Golem use smack down again!"

"We can take em'. Vulpix use your agility, then quick attack!" Golem maybe fast but Vulpix is faster, she escaped the attack, and made hers, surprisingly it weakened Golem.

Jane and Alec really mad this time, and said.



"Use double team!" They said at once.

I hope this works, I thought as they charged at us. "Vulpix, wrap them up with fire spin," I quickly countered. Her eyes went blue, and she was all charged, then a tornado of blue fire engulfed the pokemon and Team Rocket.

For a second, I thought I heard one of them say something. Then the tornado hit them sending them into the air screaming.

After a moment Vulpix fell to the ground.

"Oh Vulpix, are you ok? You were amazing, you must've used all your energy," I said ruffling her hair.

"Vulpix," she said a little weakly.

"Wow, that was awesome," someone said from behind making me jump. I turned to see who it was.

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